Post by MichaelI don't suppose it ever occurred to you that it might be a Very Good Thing
to lurk a bit and learn whether any of the "coffee" groups to which you
posted this query have anything at all to do with actual coffee or
coffeehouses... did it?
Thank you Michael for your reply, as my post mentioned I am looking for
articles, this is a timed item as I need them as soon as possible and as
your suggestion to lurk may work in normal circumstances, this time it will
not do. I rightly or wrongly assumed the other five groups I posted to had
something to do with coffee and or those interested in coffee as their
titles suggest and some of their postings even warrant, I may have wrongly
or rightly guessed the same about this group with its title to find someone
that either likes coffee and is well read about the subject or perhaps may
be a coffee connoisseur themselves and be able to help. While I appreciate
the time you took to reply I did read all the headers in all groups from the
past 100 postings or so...hence this is a newsgroup and not a
conversation hence lurking does not require time to sit and wait to get the
feel of a group, but rather the ability to read. Now that I have
explained my reasoning perhaps not to your satisfaction, however I did find
a lurker that was interested enough in my subject line to read my request,
perhaps you have a
suggestion of where to lurk (hence read postings) and find the information I
am seeking.
Thank you for your time,