Jennifer Peters
2005-06-07 00:34:25 UTC
Gemini comes in quietly, taking her seat in a quiet corner. She takes a
pile of correspondence out of her bag, aimlessly sorting through it
without really looking. There are some thick letters, greeting cards, a
few bills.
"My father passed away. I've got letters from people, remembering him.
I've got greeting cards, mostly trite, some not so. I've had phone
calls, asking how I am, how is my mom."
Gemini stops and stacks it all up again.
"My parents moved to the next town down the road a couple of years ago,
so they could be nearby and spend more time with their grandkids. The
church here accepted them right away. The consensus seems to be that
they were never strangers here.
"As hard as it was this past month, seeing Dad fading away, seeing Mom
go through it with him, I'm glad he was here for awhile. I'm missing
him, though.
pile of correspondence out of her bag, aimlessly sorting through it
without really looking. There are some thick letters, greeting cards, a
few bills.
"My father passed away. I've got letters from people, remembering him.
I've got greeting cards, mostly trite, some not so. I've had phone
calls, asking how I am, how is my mom."
Gemini stops and stacks it all up again.
"My parents moved to the next town down the road a couple of years ago,
so they could be nearby and spend more time with their grandkids. The
church here accepted them right away. The consensus seems to be that
they were never strangers here.
"As hard as it was this past month, seeing Dad fading away, seeing Mom
go through it with him, I'm glad he was here for awhile. I'm missing
him, though.
Pacem en terris, mir, shanti, salaam, hey wa
Pacem en terris, mir, shanti, salaam, hey wa