The dishes are done.
(too old to reply)
2004-01-14 16:15:20 UTC
Diana sets the last of the washed and dried pans, platters, and bowls on the
kitchen counter and hangs up the towel. "OK, everyone, come get your
serving dishes. Thanks for the holiday feast, and hurry back!"
Max Wedge
2004-01-17 23:25:32 UTC
Post by Diana
Diana sets the last of the washed and dried pans, platters, and bowls on the
kitchen counter and hangs up the towel. "OK, everyone, come get your
serving dishes. Thanks for the holiday feast, and hurry back!"
"Thanks Diana. My serving dishes were disposable gladware, so just pitch 'em
if you don't want 'em," Max calls out as he heads for the door and
the busy world beyond it. "It's a guy thing, I guess....."
He waves.
Jennifer Peters
2004-01-19 00:33:03 UTC
Post by Diana
Diana sets the last of the washed and dried pans, platters, and bowls on the
kitchen counter and hangs up the towel. "OK, everyone, come get your
serving dishes. Thanks for the holiday feast, and hurry back!"
"Thanks, Diane. I really love this dish." Gemini packs a large ceramic
casserole dish carefully in her tote bag. "This is hand-made, a piece
of art, really. It was a wedding present."

Gemini, thinking how nice it'll be to bring a dish in her dish to her
parents' 50th anniversary celebration.
Pacem en terris, mir, shanti, salaam, hey wa