2005-10-07 14:13:42 UTC
ShadowClaw opens the coffeehouse door and peers in. Familiar sights
and sounds greet her and she fondly recalls the time she spent here
those many years ago. She recalls Thunderfoot and Harper and smiles as
she remembers Tristan. She wonders if anyone will remember her but
realizes that it was, as they say, a lifetime ago and that's ok. She
was another person then. She pushes her wheelchair to the bar and
smiles when she sees Galileo. She asks him for her usual cappuccino,
sugar-free this time, please. Sipping the exquisite brew, ShadowClaw
feels the warmth of this place. Smiling wryly, she recalls that it was
here she first heard of the dreaded "fwap." Over the years, ShadowClaw
has worked on developing this marvelous skill which, in fact, is not
just a skill but also the sound a pillow makes when it makes contact
with the side of a person's head. ShadowClaw sighs with utter
and sounds greet her and she fondly recalls the time she spent here
those many years ago. She recalls Thunderfoot and Harper and smiles as
she remembers Tristan. She wonders if anyone will remember her but
realizes that it was, as they say, a lifetime ago and that's ok. She
was another person then. She pushes her wheelchair to the bar and
smiles when she sees Galileo. She asks him for her usual cappuccino,
sugar-free this time, please. Sipping the exquisite brew, ShadowClaw
feels the warmth of this place. Smiling wryly, she recalls that it was
here she first heard of the dreaded "fwap." Over the years, ShadowClaw
has worked on developing this marvelous skill which, in fact, is not
just a skill but also the sound a pillow makes when it makes contact
with the side of a person's head. ShadowClaw sighs with utter