Tired of winter - really tired
(too old to reply)
Jennifer Peters
2005-03-08 03:04:43 UTC
Gemini stokes up the fire, then gets her usual cup of cocoa.

"I'm totally ready for this winter to be OVER! Earlier this week, there
was a collection of automotive mishaps along the road I take to get
home. There was snow blowing across the road, making things
treacherous. I managed to avoid banging anyone when I stopped. But the
next guy didn't. So my car is in the shop."

Gemini sighs into her cup, spreading the steam.

"It's such a hassle, and an annoyance, and no fun at all."
Pacem en terris, mir, shanti, salaam, hey wa
2005-03-09 21:56:32 UTC
Post by Jennifer Peters
Gemini stokes up the fire, then gets her usual cup of cocoa.
"I'm totally ready for this winter to be OVER! Earlier this week, there
was a collection of automotive mishaps along the road I take to get
home. There was snow blowing across the road, making things
treacherous. I managed to avoid banging anyone when I stopped. But the
next guy didn't. So my car is in the shop."
Gemini sighs into her cup, spreading the steam.
"It's such a hassle, and an annoyance, and no fun at all."
" Rotten luck, Gem. Of course it could have been lots worse, and I'm very
glad it wasn't, but the winter blahs are unpleasant enough without having
your car rear-ended and unavailable. Good thing there's cocoa. Hope it
cheers you up."

Diana pauses, reflecting on her days of enduring brutal winters near the
shores of Lake Michigan.

"Know what, though? There's nothing like a long, hard winter to make the
coming of spring the most welcome and amazing pleasure! That first soft
feeling in the air when thawing begins in earnest, those first brave buds,
and then at last the world has color again. You shed the layers of clothing,
you actually want to walk in the rain, and everything looks so clean and
new, and smells so fresh. Without the ordeal of getting through winter,
spring just isn't the same.

"There's also nothing like living in Florida to make a person find virtue in
a long, hard winter!"

Portal To My Pages
Jennifer Peters
2005-03-11 01:45:41 UTC
Post by Diana
Post by Jennifer Peters
Gemini stokes up the fire, then gets her usual cup of cocoa.
"I'm totally ready for this winter to be OVER! Earlier this week, there
was a collection of automotive mishaps along the road I take to get
home. There was snow blowing across the road, making things
treacherous. I managed to avoid banging anyone when I stopped. But the
next guy didn't. So my car is in the shop."
Gemini sighs into her cup, spreading the steam.
"It's such a hassle, and an annoyance, and no fun at all."
" Rotten luck, Gem. Of course it could have been lots worse, and I'm very
glad it wasn't, but the winter blahs are unpleasant enough without having
your car rear-ended and unavailable. Good thing there's cocoa. Hope it
cheers you up."
Yeah, I'm glad that nobody was hurt in the whole mess. My driver's side
window crumbled into little pebbles. I could've been cut by the glass,
easily. But I wasn't.
Post by Diana
Diana pauses, reflecting on her days of enduring brutal winters near the
shores of Lake Michigan.
"Know what, though? There's nothing like a long, hard winter to make the
coming of spring the most welcome and amazing pleasure! That first soft
feeling in the air when thawing begins in earnest, those first brave buds,
and then at last the world has color again. You shed the layers of clothing,
you actually want to walk in the rain, and everything looks so clean and
new, and smells so fresh. Without the ordeal of getting through winter,
spring just isn't the same.
That's exactly why my daughter is looking for a college where there is
winter. She doesn't want to spend 4 years with no snow and no springtime.
Post by Diana
"There's also nothing like living in Florida to make a person find virtue in
a long, hard winter!"
Having been to a track meet in Miami in July, I'll just say, Amen.

Pacem en terris, mir, shanti, salaam, hey wa