Jennifer Peters
2005-03-08 03:04:43 UTC
Gemini stokes up the fire, then gets her usual cup of cocoa.
"I'm totally ready for this winter to be OVER! Earlier this week, there
was a collection of automotive mishaps along the road I take to get
home. There was snow blowing across the road, making things
treacherous. I managed to avoid banging anyone when I stopped. But the
next guy didn't. So my car is in the shop."
Gemini sighs into her cup, spreading the steam.
"It's such a hassle, and an annoyance, and no fun at all."
"I'm totally ready for this winter to be OVER! Earlier this week, there
was a collection of automotive mishaps along the road I take to get
home. There was snow blowing across the road, making things
treacherous. I managed to avoid banging anyone when I stopped. But the
next guy didn't. So my car is in the shop."
Gemini sighs into her cup, spreading the steam.
"It's such a hassle, and an annoyance, and no fun at all."
Pacem en terris, mir, shanti, salaam, hey wa
Pacem en terris, mir, shanti, salaam, hey wa