Booster shots
(too old to reply)
J Peters
2021-08-29 00:32:32 UTC
Gemini is pacing about, mulling something over. She's clearly
conflicted about something. The barkeep waves her over and gives her a
glass of herbal iced tea. "What's eating at you?" he asks.

"So, I've got this medical situation, which has been going on all year.
One aspect of it is that I got my Covid vaccine a bit ahead of schedule.
And now I've been scheduled for a booster shot.

"I'm feeling mostly healthy, most of the time right now. And I know
that other parts of the world are way behind in vaccine access. So, do
I deserve to get a third shot ahead of a school teacher in Thailand?

"I guess it's not a matter of deserving it. I'm fortunate that I have

Gemini pauses for a moment.

"I've got great doctors and facilities available to me. Thank goodness
I'm well insured. Because the payment structure for health care in the
USA is terrible."
2021-09-01 03:49:01 UTC
Gemini is pacing about, mulling something over. She's clearly
conflicted about something. The barkeep waves her over and gives her a
glass of herbal iced tea. "What's eating at you?" he asks.
"So, I've got this medical situation, which has been going on all year.
One aspect of it is that I got my Covid vaccine a bit ahead of schedule.
And now I've been scheduled for a booster shot.
"I'm feeling mostly healthy, most of the time right now. And I know
that other parts of the world are way behind in vaccine access. So, do
I deserve to get a third shot ahead of a school teacher in Thailand?
"I guess it's not a matter of deserving it. I'm fortunate that I have
Gemini pauses for a moment.
"I've got great doctors and facilities available to me. Thank goodness
I'm well insured. Because the payment structure for health care in the
USA is terrible."
"US healthcare and insurance is insaaaaaane," Skatha sighs in agreement. "But as far as I know, they're only scheduling booster shots for those deemed in need of it - at least that's what should be happening at the moment. And given that we're still trying to vaccinate our own population, you're not really taking anything away from anyone because there's plenty available locally. Honestly, I'd get the booster shot now and be grateful for it. Heck, *I'd* get one now if it was appropriate, given how many people are passing on their own opportunities." She shakes her fist at the air. "I hate the whole anti-vax campaign and all the conspiracy paranoia it rode in on!"

"Now, if you want my best prognostication, this time is ideal to get booster shots - again, if it's deemed medically appropriate - but in a few months we might see more pressure on the US to send its supply out globally, and that might limit availability at a domestic level. Also, there's going to be a rush if they declare that everyone should get a booster shot within 6 months or so." Skatha does quick arithmetic on her fingers. "Actually, I'm coming up to that 6-month point myself, so it'll be interesting to see how things develop."

Skatha pauses for a brief internet search. "Aha! 'Americans who received the Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna coronavirus vaccines should get a booster shot eight months after their second vaccine dose, federal health officials said. The boosters will be available beginning Sept. 20, if the Food and Drug Administration agrees to the plan.' So I don't really have to worry about it until October, hooray!"

"Anyway, to return to the original question - get the booster shot. Despite our vaccination rates and our bounty of vaccines available, things are still risky out there with the current surge, especially if you're immunocompromised. Best not to risk taking up a hospital bed when there's so few available at the moment."
J Peters
2021-09-01 21:19:52 UTC
Post by Skatha
Gemini is pacing about, mulling something over. She's clearly
conflicted about something. The barkeep waves her over and gives her a
glass of herbal iced tea. "What's eating at you?" he asks.
"So, I've got this medical situation, which has been going on all year.
One aspect of it is that I got my Covid vaccine a bit ahead of schedule.
And now I've been scheduled for a booster shot.
"I'm feeling mostly healthy, most of the time right now. And I know
that other parts of the world are way behind in vaccine access. So, do
I deserve to get a third shot ahead of a school teacher in Thailand?
"I guess it's not a matter of deserving it. I'm fortunate that I have
Gemini pauses for a moment.
"I've got great doctors and facilities available to me. Thank goodness
I'm well insured. Because the payment structure for health care in the
USA is terrible."
"US healthcare and insurance is insaaaaaane," Skatha sighs in agreement. "But as far as I know, they're only scheduling booster shots for those deemed in need of it - at least that's what should be happening at the moment. And given that we're still trying to vaccinate our own population, you're not really taking anything away from anyone because there's plenty available locally. Honestly, I'd get the booster shot now and be grateful for it. Heck, *I'd* get one now if it was appropriate, given how many people are passing on their own opportunities." She shakes her fist at the air. "I hate the whole anti-vax campaign and all the conspiracy paranoia it rode in on!"
"Now, if you want my best prognostication, this time is ideal to get booster shots - again, if it's deemed medically appropriate - but in a few months we might see more pressure on the US to send its supply out globally, and that might limit availability at a domestic level. Also, there's going to be a rush if they declare that everyone should get a booster shot within 6 months or so." Skatha does quick arithmetic on her fingers. "Actually, I'm coming up to that 6-month point myself, so it'll be interesting to see how things develop."
Skatha pauses for a brief internet search. "Aha! 'Americans who received the Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna coronavirus vaccines should get a booster shot eight months after their second vaccine dose, federal health officials said. The boosters will be available beginning Sept. 20, if the Food and Drug Administration agrees to the plan.' So I don't really have to worry about it until October, hooray!"
"Anyway, to return to the original question - get the booster shot. Despite our vaccination rates and our bounty of vaccines available, things are still risky out there with the current surge, especially if you're immunocompromised. Best not to risk taking up a hospital bed when there's so few available at the moment."
I got my booster shot. I'm going to be getting on an airplane tomorrow.

NYT had an article suggesting that boosters are not needed so soon for
most people. The studies suggesting that effectiveness was waning were
flawed. The populations compared were not similar. (Older folks were
vaccinated sooner than most people, and are more likely to have other
health issues. Etc.)

In other news - I'm wrestling with getting a medical pass to not return
to the office. I was a compliant employee and let them know that I'm
vaccinated, so I'm invited to return. However, given my situation, I'm
best off continuing to work from home. My manager agrees. I'm still
getting emails telling me to make sure I know where my building badge
is, and things like that. HR hasn't acknowledged my request or
receiving documentation from my doctor.

I don't talk about my medical situation much, in part because quack
advice makes me crazy. Some of it is harmless and well-meaning. "Get
more antioxidants in your diet!" OK. Can't hurt. Then there are those
who almost sound like they'd like to cart folks off for exorcisms to
cure all ills. And, of course, some folks will blame my way of life, a
working woman who believes in science.
2021-09-05 12:19:30 UTC
Post by Skatha
Gemini is pacing about, mulling something over. She's clearly
conflicted about something. The barkeep waves her over and gives her a
glass of herbal iced tea. "What's eating at you?" he asks.
"So, I've got this medical situation, which has been going on all year.
One aspect of it is that I got my Covid vaccine a bit ahead of schedule.
And now I've been scheduled for a booster shot.
"I'm feeling mostly healthy, most of the time right now. And I know
that other parts of the world are way behind in vaccine access. So, do
I deserve to get a third shot ahead of a school teacher in Thailand?
"I guess it's not a matter of deserving it. I'm fortunate that I have
Gemini pauses for a moment.
"I've got great doctors and facilities available to me. Thank goodness
I'm well insured. Because the payment structure for health care in the
USA is terrible."
"US healthcare and insurance is insaaaaaane," Skatha sighs in agreement. "But as far as I know, they're only scheduling booster shots for those deemed in need of it - at least that's what should be happening at the moment. And given that we're still trying to vaccinate our own population, you're not really taking anything away from anyone because there's plenty available locally. Honestly, I'd get the booster shot now and be grateful for it. Heck, *I'd* get one now if it was appropriate, given how many people are passing on their own opportunities." She shakes her fist at the air. "I hate the whole anti-vax campaign and all the conspiracy paranoia it rode in on!"
"Now, if you want my best prognostication, this time is ideal to get booster shots - again, if it's deemed medically appropriate - but in a few months we might see more pressure on the US to send its supply out globally, and that might limit availability at a domestic level. Also, there's going to be a rush if they declare that everyone should get a booster shot within 6 months or so." Skatha does quick arithmetic on her fingers. "Actually, I'm coming up to that 6-month point myself, so it'll be interesting to see how things develop."
Skatha pauses for a brief internet search. "Aha! 'Americans who received the Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna coronavirus vaccines should get a booster shot eight months after their second vaccine dose, federal health officials said. The boosters will be available beginning Sept. 20, if the Food and Drug Administration agrees to the plan.' So I don't really have to worry about it until October, hooray!"
"Anyway, to return to the original question - get the booster shot. Despite our vaccination rates and our bounty of vaccines available, things are still risky out there with the current surge, especially if you're immunocompromised. Best not to risk taking up a hospital bed when there's so few available at the moment."
I got my booster shot. I'm going to be getting on an airplane tomorrow.
NYT had an article suggesting that boosters are not needed so soon for
most people. The studies suggesting that effectiveness was waning were
flawed. The populations compared were not similar. (Older folks were
vaccinated sooner than most people, and are more likely to have other
health issues. Etc.)
In other news - I'm wrestling with getting a medical pass to not return
to the office. I was a compliant employee and let them know that I'm
vaccinated, so I'm invited to return. However, given my situation, I'm
best off continuing to work from home. My manager agrees. I'm still
getting emails telling me to make sure I know where my building badge
is, and things like that. HR hasn't acknowledged my request or
receiving documentation from my doctor.
I don't talk about my medical situation much, in part because quack
advice makes me crazy. Some of it is harmless and well-meaning. "Get
more antioxidants in your diet!" OK. Can't hurt. Then there are those
who almost sound like they'd like to cart folks off for exorcisms to
cure all ills. And, of course, some folks will blame my way of life, a
working woman who believes in science.
I'm constantly having to filter all of my mother's medical advice - some of it's fine, lots of it is awful, and it's all tends to be in the 'alternative' camp. It's gotten worse lately, since she started out anti-vax (ugh) and it's spiraled into thinking the pandemic is some sort of conspiracy hoax (UGH). She also travels a lot on planes - she wears a mask because it's mandatory, but then tells me she got it from some 'fake mask' website (ARGH). Still, it's cloth in front of her mouth and nose, which at least handles the basic respiratory disease issue. I guess. (She hasn't gotten sick yet, because of course she hasn't, but I'm still uncomfortable spending time with her.) It's been endlessly frustrating!
I still haven't told her I got vaccinated, because I just don't want to have that conversation with her. The last time I admitted to getting vaccines I considered necessary (like tetanus), she sat on that for a day then called me up in tears. O-M-G.

My dad, on the other hand, is more science-based and is still working from home because his medical condition puts him in a vulnerable category, and I totally support your efforts to continue to do the same. I hope the HR roadblock resolves itself soon!
J Peters
2021-09-15 01:40:07 UTC
Post by Skatha
Post by Skatha
Gemini is pacing about, mulling something over. She's clearly
conflicted about something. The barkeep waves her over and gives her a
glass of herbal iced tea. "What's eating at you?" he asks.
"So, I've got this medical situation, which has been going on all year.
One aspect of it is that I got my Covid vaccine a bit ahead of schedule.
And now I've been scheduled for a booster shot.
"I'm feeling mostly healthy, most of the time right now. And I know
that other parts of the world are way behind in vaccine access. So, do
I deserve to get a third shot ahead of a school teacher in Thailand?
"I guess it's not a matter of deserving it. I'm fortunate that I have
Gemini pauses for a moment.
"I've got great doctors and facilities available to me. Thank goodness
I'm well insured. Because the payment structure for health care in the
USA is terrible."
"US healthcare and insurance is insaaaaaane," Skatha sighs in agreement. "But as far as I know, they're only scheduling booster shots for those deemed in need of it - at least that's what should be happening at the moment. And given that we're still trying to vaccinate our own population, you're not really taking anything away from anyone because there's plenty available locally. Honestly, I'd get the booster shot now and be grateful for it. Heck, *I'd* get one now if it was appropriate, given how many people are passing on their own opportunities." She shakes her fist at the air. "I hate the whole anti-vax campaign and all the conspiracy paranoia it rode in on!"
"Now, if you want my best prognostication, this time is ideal to get booster shots - again, if it's deemed medically appropriate - but in a few months we might see more pressure on the US to send its supply out globally, and that might limit availability at a domestic level. Also, there's going to be a rush if they declare that everyone should get a booster shot within 6 months or so." Skatha does quick arithmetic on her fingers. "Actually, I'm coming up to that 6-month point myself, so it'll be interesting to see how things develop."
Skatha pauses for a brief internet search. "Aha! 'Americans who received the Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna coronavirus vaccines should get a booster shot eight months after their second vaccine dose, federal health officials said. The boosters will be available beginning Sept. 20, if the Food and Drug Administration agrees to the plan.' So I don't really have to worry about it until October, hooray!"
"Anyway, to return to the original question - get the booster shot. Despite our vaccination rates and our bounty of vaccines available, things are still risky out there with the current surge, especially if you're immunocompromised. Best not to risk taking up a hospital bed when there's so few available at the moment."
I got my booster shot. I'm going to be getting on an airplane tomorrow.
NYT had an article suggesting that boosters are not needed so soon for
most people. The studies suggesting that effectiveness was waning were
flawed. The populations compared were not similar. (Older folks were
vaccinated sooner than most people, and are more likely to have other
health issues. Etc.)
In other news - I'm wrestling with getting a medical pass to not return
to the office. I was a compliant employee and let them know that I'm
vaccinated, so I'm invited to return. However, given my situation, I'm
best off continuing to work from home. My manager agrees. I'm still
getting emails telling me to make sure I know where my building badge
is, and things like that. HR hasn't acknowledged my request or
receiving documentation from my doctor.
I don't talk about my medical situation much, in part because quack
advice makes me crazy. Some of it is harmless and well-meaning. "Get
more antioxidants in your diet!" OK. Can't hurt. Then there are those
who almost sound like they'd like to cart folks off for exorcisms to
cure all ills. And, of course, some folks will blame my way of life, a
working woman who believes in science.
I'm constantly having to filter all of my mother's medical advice - some of it's fine, lots of it is awful, and it's all tends to be in the 'alternative' camp. It's gotten worse lately, since she started out anti-vax (ugh) and it's spiraled into thinking the pandemic is some sort of conspiracy hoax (UGH). She also travels a lot on planes - she wears a mask because it's mandatory, but then tells me she got it from some 'fake mask' website (ARGH). Still, it's cloth in front of her mouth and nose, which at least handles the basic respiratory disease issue. I guess. (She hasn't gotten sick yet, because of course she hasn't, but I'm still uncomfortable spending time with her.) It's been endlessly frustrating!
I still haven't told her I got vaccinated, because I just don't want to have that conversation with her. The last time I admitted to getting vaccines I considered necessary (like tetanus), she sat on that for a day then called me up in tears. O-M-G.
My dad, on the other hand, is more science-based and is still working from home because his medical condition puts him in a vulnerable category, and I totally support your efforts to continue to do the same. I hope the HR roadblock resolves itself soon!
Well, the HR saga continues. I was assigned a case worker, and finally
got an email today - asking for more medical documentation. I passed
the request along via my patient portal. (Yay, technology.) I got a
message back on the portal that they've sent the info to my HR department.

So, we'll see what the next step is. I understand that they're getting
tons of requests to stay home. Folks with younger children don't want
to risk bringing the virus home. Etc. So, I'll jump through paperwork
hoops, until they realize my case is a no-brainer. (I hope.)
2021-10-03 19:08:19 UTC
Post by Skatha
Post by Skatha
Gemini is pacing about, mulling something over. She's clearly
conflicted about something. The barkeep waves her over and gives her a
glass of herbal iced tea. "What's eating at you?" he asks.
"So, I've got this medical situation, which has been going on all year.
One aspect of it is that I got my Covid vaccine a bit ahead of schedule.
And now I've been scheduled for a booster shot.
"I'm feeling mostly healthy, most of the time right now. And I know
that other parts of the world are way behind in vaccine access. So, do
I deserve to get a third shot ahead of a school teacher in Thailand?
"I guess it's not a matter of deserving it. I'm fortunate that I have
Gemini pauses for a moment.
"I've got great doctors and facilities available to me. Thank goodness
I'm well insured. Because the payment structure for health care in the
USA is terrible."
"US healthcare and insurance is insaaaaaane," Skatha sighs in agreement. "But as far as I know, they're only scheduling booster shots for those deemed in need of it - at least that's what should be happening at the moment. And given that we're still trying to vaccinate our own population, you're not really taking anything away from anyone because there's plenty available locally. Honestly, I'd get the booster shot now and be grateful for it. Heck, *I'd* get one now if it was appropriate, given how many people are passing on their own opportunities." She shakes her fist at the air. "I hate the whole anti-vax campaign and all the conspiracy paranoia it rode in on!"
"Now, if you want my best prognostication, this time is ideal to get booster shots - again, if it's deemed medically appropriate - but in a few months we might see more pressure on the US to send its supply out globally, and that might limit availability at a domestic level. Also, there's going to be a rush if they declare that everyone should get a booster shot within 6 months or so." Skatha does quick arithmetic on her fingers. "Actually, I'm coming up to that 6-month point myself, so it'll be interesting to see how things develop."
Skatha pauses for a brief internet search. "Aha! 'Americans who received the Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna coronavirus vaccines should get a booster shot eight months after their second vaccine dose, federal health officials said. The boosters will be available beginning Sept. 20, if the Food and Drug Administration agrees to the plan.' So I don't really have to worry about it until October, hooray!"
"Anyway, to return to the original question - get the booster shot. Despite our vaccination rates and our bounty of vaccines available, things are still risky out there with the current surge, especially if you're immunocompromised. Best not to risk taking up a hospital bed when there's so few available at the moment."
I got my booster shot. I'm going to be getting on an airplane tomorrow.
NYT had an article suggesting that boosters are not needed so soon for
most people. The studies suggesting that effectiveness was waning were
flawed. The populations compared were not similar. (Older folks were
vaccinated sooner than most people, and are more likely to have other
health issues. Etc.)
In other news - I'm wrestling with getting a medical pass to not return
to the office. I was a compliant employee and let them know that I'm
vaccinated, so I'm invited to return. However, given my situation, I'm
best off continuing to work from home. My manager agrees. I'm still
getting emails telling me to make sure I know where my building badge
is, and things like that. HR hasn't acknowledged my request or
receiving documentation from my doctor.
I don't talk about my medical situation much, in part because quack
advice makes me crazy. Some of it is harmless and well-meaning. "Get
more antioxidants in your diet!" OK. Can't hurt. Then there are those
who almost sound like they'd like to cart folks off for exorcisms to
cure all ills. And, of course, some folks will blame my way of life, a
working woman who believes in science.
I'm constantly having to filter all of my mother's medical advice - some of it's fine, lots of it is awful, and it's all tends to be in the 'alternative' camp. It's gotten worse lately, since she started out anti-vax (ugh) and it's spiraled into thinking the pandemic is some sort of conspiracy hoax (UGH). She also travels a lot on planes - she wears a mask because it's mandatory, but then tells me she got it from some 'fake mask' website (ARGH). Still, it's cloth in front of her mouth and nose, which at least handles the basic respiratory disease issue. I guess. (She hasn't gotten sick yet, because of course she hasn't, but I'm still uncomfortable spending time with her.) It's been endlessly frustrating!
I still haven't told her I got vaccinated, because I just don't want to have that conversation with her. The last time I admitted to getting vaccines I considered necessary (like tetanus), she sat on that for a day then called me up in tears. O-M-G.
My dad, on the other hand, is more science-based and is still working from home because his medical condition puts him in a vulnerable category, and I totally support your efforts to continue to do the same. I hope the HR roadblock resolves itself soon!
Well, the HR saga continues. I was assigned a case worker, and finally
got an email today - asking for more medical documentation. I passed
the request along via my patient portal. (Yay, technology.) I got a
message back on the portal that they've sent the info to my HR department.
So, we'll see what the next step is. I understand that they're getting
tons of requests to stay home. Folks with younger children don't want
to risk bringing the virus home. Etc. So, I'll jump through paperwork
hoops, until they realize my case is a no-brainer. (I hope.)
Good luck with the HR saga!

Earlier this month, my mom, aunt, and grandmother all caught COVID - and, thanks to my mother's paranoia, none of them were vaccinated. They also spread it to two of my uncles (one of whom was actually vaccinated, but caught it through repeated exposure to my mother as he tried to take care of her). After a lot of up and down progress in the hospital, my grandmother passed away last week. Her funeral is this week, and I'm not terribly enthusiastic about going (I'm going to be limiting my exposure to other people in the church and staying the heck away from the luncheon. All those open mouths...)
I'm pretty pissed at my mother, tbh.

Went out and got the booster shot yesterday. At least there's that.
J Peters
2021-10-04 20:59:44 UTC
Post by Skatha
Post by Skatha
Post by Skatha
Gemini is pacing about, mulling something over. She's clearly
conflicted about something. The barkeep waves her over and gives her a
glass of herbal iced tea. "What's eating at you?" he asks.
"So, I've got this medical situation, which has been going on all year.
One aspect of it is that I got my Covid vaccine a bit ahead of schedule.
And now I've been scheduled for a booster shot.
"I'm feeling mostly healthy, most of the time right now. And I know
that other parts of the world are way behind in vaccine access. So, do
I deserve to get a third shot ahead of a school teacher in Thailand?
"I guess it's not a matter of deserving it. I'm fortunate that I have
Gemini pauses for a moment.
"I've got great doctors and facilities available to me. Thank goodness
I'm well insured. Because the payment structure for health care in the
USA is terrible."
"US healthcare and insurance is insaaaaaane," Skatha sighs in agreement. "But as far as I know, they're only scheduling booster shots for those deemed in need of it - at least that's what should be happening at the moment. And given that we're still trying to vaccinate our own population, you're not really taking anything away from anyone because there's plenty available locally. Honestly, I'd get the booster shot now and be grateful for it. Heck, *I'd* get one now if it was appropriate, given how many people are passing on their own opportunities." She shakes her fist at the air. "I hate the whole anti-vax campaign and all the conspiracy paranoia it rode in on!"
"Now, if you want my best prognostication, this time is ideal to get booster shots - again, if it's deemed medically appropriate - but in a few months we might see more pressure on the US to send its supply out globally, and that might limit availability at a domestic level. Also, there's going to be a rush if they declare that everyone should get a booster shot within 6 months or so." Skatha does quick arithmetic on her fingers. "Actually, I'm coming up to that 6-month point myself, so it'll be interesting to see how things develop."
Skatha pauses for a brief internet search. "Aha! 'Americans who received the Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna coronavirus vaccines should get a booster shot eight months after their second vaccine dose, federal health officials said. The boosters will be available beginning Sept. 20, if the Food and Drug Administration agrees to the plan.' So I don't really have to worry about it until October, hooray!"
"Anyway, to return to the original question - get the booster shot. Despite our vaccination rates and our bounty of vaccines available, things are still risky out there with the current surge, especially if you're immunocompromised. Best not to risk taking up a hospital bed when there's so few available at the moment."
I got my booster shot. I'm going to be getting on an airplane tomorrow.
NYT had an article suggesting that boosters are not needed so soon for
most people. The studies suggesting that effectiveness was waning were
flawed. The populations compared were not similar. (Older folks were
vaccinated sooner than most people, and are more likely to have other
health issues. Etc.)
In other news - I'm wrestling with getting a medical pass to not return
to the office. I was a compliant employee and let them know that I'm
vaccinated, so I'm invited to return. However, given my situation, I'm
best off continuing to work from home. My manager agrees. I'm still
getting emails telling me to make sure I know where my building badge
is, and things like that. HR hasn't acknowledged my request or
receiving documentation from my doctor.
I don't talk about my medical situation much, in part because quack
advice makes me crazy. Some of it is harmless and well-meaning. "Get
more antioxidants in your diet!" OK. Can't hurt. Then there are those
who almost sound like they'd like to cart folks off for exorcisms to
cure all ills. And, of course, some folks will blame my way of life, a
working woman who believes in science.
I'm constantly having to filter all of my mother's medical advice - some of it's fine, lots of it is awful, and it's all tends to be in the 'alternative' camp. It's gotten worse lately, since she started out anti-vax (ugh) and it's spiraled into thinking the pandemic is some sort of conspiracy hoax (UGH). She also travels a lot on planes - she wears a mask because it's mandatory, but then tells me she got it from some 'fake mask' website (ARGH). Still, it's cloth in front of her mouth and nose, which at least handles the basic respiratory disease issue. I guess. (She hasn't gotten sick yet, because of course she hasn't, but I'm still uncomfortable spending time with her.) It's been endlessly frustrating!
I still haven't told her I got vaccinated, because I just don't want to have that conversation with her. The last time I admitted to getting vaccines I considered necessary (like tetanus), she sat on that for a day then called me up in tears. O-M-G.
My dad, on the other hand, is more science-based and is still working from home because his medical condition puts him in a vulnerable category, and I totally support your efforts to continue to do the same. I hope the HR roadblock resolves itself soon!
Well, the HR saga continues. I was assigned a case worker, and finally
got an email today - asking for more medical documentation. I passed
the request along via my patient portal. (Yay, technology.) I got a
message back on the portal that they've sent the info to my HR department.
So, we'll see what the next step is. I understand that they're getting
tons of requests to stay home. Folks with younger children don't want
to risk bringing the virus home. Etc. So, I'll jump through paperwork
hoops, until they realize my case is a no-brainer. (I hope.)
Good luck with the HR saga!
Earlier this month, my mom, aunt, and grandmother all caught COVID - and, thanks to my mother's paranoia, none of them were vaccinated. They also spread it to two of my uncles (one of whom was actually vaccinated, but caught it through repeated exposure to my mother as he tried to take care of her). After a lot of up and down progress in the hospital, my grandmother passed away last week. Her funeral is this week, and I'm not terribly enthusiastic about going (I'm going to be limiting my exposure to other people in the church and staying the heck away from the luncheon. All those open mouths...)
I'm pretty pissed at my mother, tbh.
Went out and got the booster shot yesterday. At least there's that.
I'm so sorry about your grandmother! <virtual hugs>

Take care of yourself through all of this, and stay safe.

A thought you may ignore - it's perfectly fine and understandable to be
pissed at your mom. It may not be wise to let her (or others) know just
how pissed you are.

2021-10-05 11:08:47 UTC
Post by Skatha
Post by Skatha
Post by Skatha
Gemini is pacing about, mulling something over. She's clearly
conflicted about something. The barkeep waves her over and gives her a
glass of herbal iced tea. "What's eating at you?" he asks.
"So, I've got this medical situation, which has been going on all year.
One aspect of it is that I got my Covid vaccine a bit ahead of schedule.
And now I've been scheduled for a booster shot.
"I'm feeling mostly healthy, most of the time right now. And I know
that other parts of the world are way behind in vaccine access. So, do
I deserve to get a third shot ahead of a school teacher in Thailand?
"I guess it's not a matter of deserving it. I'm fortunate that I have
Gemini pauses for a moment.
"I've got great doctors and facilities available to me. Thank goodness
I'm well insured. Because the payment structure for health care in the
USA is terrible."
"US healthcare and insurance is insaaaaaane," Skatha sighs in agreement. "But as far as I know, they're only scheduling booster shots for those deemed in need of it - at least that's what should be happening at the moment. And given that we're still trying to vaccinate our own population, you're not really taking anything away from anyone because there's plenty available locally. Honestly, I'd get the booster shot now and be grateful for it. Heck, *I'd* get one now if it was appropriate, given how many people are passing on their own opportunities." She shakes her fist at the air. "I hate the whole anti-vax campaign and all the conspiracy paranoia it rode in on!"
"Now, if you want my best prognostication, this time is ideal to get booster shots - again, if it's deemed medically appropriate - but in a few months we might see more pressure on the US to send its supply out globally, and that might limit availability at a domestic level. Also, there's going to be a rush if they declare that everyone should get a booster shot within 6 months or so." Skatha does quick arithmetic on her fingers. "Actually, I'm coming up to that 6-month point myself, so it'll be interesting to see how things develop."
Skatha pauses for a brief internet search. "Aha! 'Americans who received the Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna coronavirus vaccines should get a booster shot eight months after their second vaccine dose, federal health officials said. The boosters will be available beginning Sept. 20, if the Food and Drug Administration agrees to the plan.' So I don't really have to worry about it until October, hooray!"
"Anyway, to return to the original question - get the booster shot. Despite our vaccination rates and our bounty of vaccines available, things are still risky out there with the current surge, especially if you're immunocompromised. Best not to risk taking up a hospital bed when there's so few available at the moment."
I got my booster shot. I'm going to be getting on an airplane tomorrow.
NYT had an article suggesting that boosters are not needed so soon for
most people. The studies suggesting that effectiveness was waning were
flawed. The populations compared were not similar. (Older folks were
vaccinated sooner than most people, and are more likely to have other
health issues. Etc.)
In other news - I'm wrestling with getting a medical pass to not return
to the office. I was a compliant employee and let them know that I'm
vaccinated, so I'm invited to return. However, given my situation, I'm
best off continuing to work from home. My manager agrees. I'm still
getting emails telling me to make sure I know where my building badge
is, and things like that. HR hasn't acknowledged my request or
receiving documentation from my doctor.
I don't talk about my medical situation much, in part because quack
advice makes me crazy. Some of it is harmless and well-meaning. "Get
more antioxidants in your diet!" OK. Can't hurt. Then there are those
who almost sound like they'd like to cart folks off for exorcisms to
cure all ills. And, of course, some folks will blame my way of life, a
working woman who believes in science.
I'm constantly having to filter all of my mother's medical advice - some of it's fine, lots of it is awful, and it's all tends to be in the 'alternative' camp. It's gotten worse lately, since she started out anti-vax (ugh) and it's spiraled into thinking the pandemic is some sort of conspiracy hoax (UGH). She also travels a lot on planes - she wears a mask because it's mandatory, but then tells me she got it from some 'fake mask' website (ARGH). Still, it's cloth in front of her mouth and nose, which at least handles the basic respiratory disease issue. I guess. (She hasn't gotten sick yet, because of course she hasn't, but I'm still uncomfortable spending time with her.) It's been endlessly frustrating!
I still haven't told her I got vaccinated, because I just don't want to have that conversation with her. The last time I admitted to getting vaccines I considered necessary (like tetanus), she sat on that for a day then called me up in tears. O-M-G.
My dad, on the other hand, is more science-based and is still working from home because his medical condition puts him in a vulnerable category, and I totally support your efforts to continue to do the same. I hope the HR roadblock resolves itself soon!
Well, the HR saga continues. I was assigned a case worker, and finally
got an email today - asking for more medical documentation. I passed
the request along via my patient portal. (Yay, technology.) I got a
message back on the portal that they've sent the info to my HR department.
So, we'll see what the next step is. I understand that they're getting
tons of requests to stay home. Folks with younger children don't want
to risk bringing the virus home. Etc. So, I'll jump through paperwork
hoops, until they realize my case is a no-brainer. (I hope.)
Good luck with the HR saga!
Earlier this month, my mom, aunt, and grandmother all caught COVID - and, thanks to my mother's paranoia, none of them were vaccinated. They also spread it to two of my uncles (one of whom was actually vaccinated, but caught it through repeated exposure to my mother as he tried to take care of her). After a lot of up and down progress in the hospital, my grandmother passed away last week. Her funeral is this week, and I'm not terribly enthusiastic about going (I'm going to be limiting my exposure to other people in the church and staying the heck away from the luncheon. All those open mouths...)
I'm pretty pissed at my mother, tbh.
Went out and got the booster shot yesterday. At least there's that.
I'm so sorry about your grandmother! <virtual hugs>
Take care of yourself through all of this, and stay safe.
A thought you may ignore - it's perfectly fine and understandable to be
pissed at your mom. It may not be wise to let her (or others) know just
how pissed you are.
That's definitely where I am right now - I'm not going to stir up strife, especially when the family is mourning. My friends and therapist know, anyway.

The funeral is today - I'm going, but on full safety mode, which means keeping contact to a minimum. I'm mostly worried about the church service (masks *optional*, argh), so wish me luck?
J Peters
2021-10-05 14:16:27 UTC
Post by Skatha
Post by Skatha
Post by Skatha
Post by Skatha
Gemini is pacing about, mulling something over. She's clearly
conflicted about something. The barkeep waves her over and gives her a
glass of herbal iced tea. "What's eating at you?" he asks.
"So, I've got this medical situation, which has been going on all year.
One aspect of it is that I got my Covid vaccine a bit ahead of schedule.
And now I've been scheduled for a booster shot.
"I'm feeling mostly healthy, most of the time right now. And I know
that other parts of the world are way behind in vaccine access. So, do
I deserve to get a third shot ahead of a school teacher in Thailand?
"I guess it's not a matter of deserving it. I'm fortunate that I have
Gemini pauses for a moment.
"I've got great doctors and facilities available to me. Thank goodness
I'm well insured. Because the payment structure for health care in the
USA is terrible."
"US healthcare and insurance is insaaaaaane," Skatha sighs in agreement. "But as far as I know, they're only scheduling booster shots for those deemed in need of it - at least that's what should be happening at the moment. And given that we're still trying to vaccinate our own population, you're not really taking anything away from anyone because there's plenty available locally. Honestly, I'd get the booster shot now and be grateful for it. Heck, *I'd* get one now if it was appropriate, given how many people are passing on their own opportunities." She shakes her fist at the air. "I hate the whole anti-vax campaign and all the conspiracy paranoia it rode in on!"
"Now, if you want my best prognostication, this time is ideal to get booster shots - again, if it's deemed medically appropriate - but in a few months we might see more pressure on the US to send its supply out globally, and that might limit availability at a domestic level. Also, there's going to be a rush if they declare that everyone should get a booster shot within 6 months or so." Skatha does quick arithmetic on her fingers. "Actually, I'm coming up to that 6-month point myself, so it'll be interesting to see how things develop."
Skatha pauses for a brief internet search. "Aha! 'Americans who received the Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna coronavirus vaccines should get a booster shot eight months after their second vaccine dose, federal health officials said. The boosters will be available beginning Sept. 20, if the Food and Drug Administration agrees to the plan.' So I don't really have to worry about it until October, hooray!"
"Anyway, to return to the original question - get the booster shot. Despite our vaccination rates and our bounty of vaccines available, things are still risky out there with the current surge, especially if you're immunocompromised. Best not to risk taking up a hospital bed when there's so few available at the moment."
I got my booster shot. I'm going to be getting on an airplane tomorrow.
NYT had an article suggesting that boosters are not needed so soon for
most people. The studies suggesting that effectiveness was waning were
flawed. The populations compared were not similar. (Older folks were
vaccinated sooner than most people, and are more likely to have other
health issues. Etc.)
In other news - I'm wrestling with getting a medical pass to not return
to the office. I was a compliant employee and let them know that I'm
vaccinated, so I'm invited to return. However, given my situation, I'm
best off continuing to work from home. My manager agrees. I'm still
getting emails telling me to make sure I know where my building badge
is, and things like that. HR hasn't acknowledged my request or
receiving documentation from my doctor.
I don't talk about my medical situation much, in part because quack
advice makes me crazy. Some of it is harmless and well-meaning. "Get
more antioxidants in your diet!" OK. Can't hurt. Then there are those
who almost sound like they'd like to cart folks off for exorcisms to
cure all ills. And, of course, some folks will blame my way of life, a
working woman who believes in science.
I'm constantly having to filter all of my mother's medical advice - some of it's fine, lots of it is awful, and it's all tends to be in the 'alternative' camp. It's gotten worse lately, since she started out anti-vax (ugh) and it's spiraled into thinking the pandemic is some sort of conspiracy hoax (UGH). She also travels a lot on planes - she wears a mask because it's mandatory, but then tells me she got it from some 'fake mask' website (ARGH). Still, it's cloth in front of her mouth and nose, which at least handles the basic respiratory disease issue. I guess. (She hasn't gotten sick yet, because of course she hasn't, but I'm still uncomfortable spending time with her.) It's been endlessly frustrating!
I still haven't told her I got vaccinated, because I just don't want to have that conversation with her. The last time I admitted to getting vaccines I considered necessary (like tetanus), she sat on that for a day then called me up in tears. O-M-G.
My dad, on the other hand, is more science-based and is still working from home because his medical condition puts him in a vulnerable category, and I totally support your efforts to continue to do the same. I hope the HR roadblock resolves itself soon!
Well, the HR saga continues. I was assigned a case worker, and finally
got an email today - asking for more medical documentation. I passed
the request along via my patient portal. (Yay, technology.) I got a
message back on the portal that they've sent the info to my HR department.
So, we'll see what the next step is. I understand that they're getting
tons of requests to stay home. Folks with younger children don't want
to risk bringing the virus home. Etc. So, I'll jump through paperwork
hoops, until they realize my case is a no-brainer. (I hope.)
Good luck with the HR saga!
Earlier this month, my mom, aunt, and grandmother all caught COVID - and, thanks to my mother's paranoia, none of them were vaccinated. They also spread it to two of my uncles (one of whom was actually vaccinated, but caught it through repeated exposure to my mother as he tried to take care of her). After a lot of up and down progress in the hospital, my grandmother passed away last week. Her funeral is this week, and I'm not terribly enthusiastic about going (I'm going to be limiting my exposure to other people in the church and staying the heck away from the luncheon. All those open mouths...)
I'm pretty pissed at my mother, tbh.
Went out and got the booster shot yesterday. At least there's that.
I'm so sorry about your grandmother! <virtual hugs>
Take care of yourself through all of this, and stay safe.
A thought you may ignore - it's perfectly fine and understandable to be
pissed at your mom. It may not be wise to let her (or others) know just
how pissed you are.
That's definitely where I am right now - I'm not going to stir up strife, especially when the family is mourning. My friends and therapist know, anyway.
The funeral is today - I'm going, but on full safety mode, which means keeping contact to a minimum. I'm mostly worried about the church service (masks *optional*, argh), so wish me luck?
Luck and as much serenity as you can manage. Let it be the beginning of
healing for everyone.
2021-10-06 13:02:07 UTC
Post by J Peters
Post by Skatha
Post by Skatha
Post by Skatha
Post by Skatha
Gemini is pacing about, mulling something over. She's clearly
conflicted about something. The barkeep waves her over and gives her a
glass of herbal iced tea. "What's eating at you?" he asks.
"So, I've got this medical situation, which has been going on all year.
One aspect of it is that I got my Covid vaccine a bit ahead of schedule.
And now I've been scheduled for a booster shot.
"I'm feeling mostly healthy, most of the time right now. And I know
that other parts of the world are way behind in vaccine access. So, do
I deserve to get a third shot ahead of a school teacher in Thailand?
"I guess it's not a matter of deserving it. I'm fortunate that I have
Gemini pauses for a moment.
"I've got great doctors and facilities available to me. Thank goodness
I'm well insured. Because the payment structure for health care in the
USA is terrible."
"US healthcare and insurance is insaaaaaane," Skatha sighs in agreement. "But as far as I know, they're only scheduling booster shots for those deemed in need of it - at least that's what should be happening at the moment. And given that we're still trying to vaccinate our own population, you're not really taking anything away from anyone because there's plenty available locally. Honestly, I'd get the booster shot now and be grateful for it. Heck, *I'd* get one now if it was appropriate, given how many people are passing on their own opportunities." She shakes her fist at the air. "I hate the whole anti-vax campaign and all the conspiracy paranoia it rode in on!"
"Now, if you want my best prognostication, this time is ideal to get booster shots - again, if it's deemed medically appropriate - but in a few months we might see more pressure on the US to send its supply out globally, and that might limit availability at a domestic level. Also, there's going to be a rush if they declare that everyone should get a booster shot within 6 months or so." Skatha does quick arithmetic on her fingers. "Actually, I'm coming up to that 6-month point myself, so it'll be interesting to see how things develop."
Skatha pauses for a brief internet search. "Aha! 'Americans who received the Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna coronavirus vaccines should get a booster shot eight months after their second vaccine dose, federal health officials said. The boosters will be available beginning Sept. 20, if the Food and Drug Administration agrees to the plan.' So I don't really have to worry about it until October, hooray!"
"Anyway, to return to the original question - get the booster shot. Despite our vaccination rates and our bounty of vaccines available, things are still risky out there with the current surge, especially if you're immunocompromised. Best not to risk taking up a hospital bed when there's so few available at the moment."
I got my booster shot. I'm going to be getting on an airplane tomorrow.
NYT had an article suggesting that boosters are not needed so soon for
most people. The studies suggesting that effectiveness was waning were
flawed. The populations compared were not similar. (Older folks were
vaccinated sooner than most people, and are more likely to have other
health issues. Etc.)
In other news - I'm wrestling with getting a medical pass to not return
to the office. I was a compliant employee and let them know that I'm
vaccinated, so I'm invited to return. However, given my situation, I'm
best off continuing to work from home. My manager agrees. I'm still
getting emails telling me to make sure I know where my building badge
is, and things like that. HR hasn't acknowledged my request or
receiving documentation from my doctor.
I don't talk about my medical situation much, in part because quack
advice makes me crazy. Some of it is harmless and well-meaning. "Get
more antioxidants in your diet!" OK. Can't hurt. Then there are those
who almost sound like they'd like to cart folks off for exorcisms to
cure all ills. And, of course, some folks will blame my way of life, a
working woman who believes in science.
I'm constantly having to filter all of my mother's medical advice - some of it's fine, lots of it is awful, and it's all tends to be in the 'alternative' camp. It's gotten worse lately, since she started out anti-vax (ugh) and it's spiraled into thinking the pandemic is some sort of conspiracy hoax (UGH). She also travels a lot on planes - she wears a mask because it's mandatory, but then tells me she got it from some 'fake mask' website (ARGH). Still, it's cloth in front of her mouth and nose, which at least handles the basic respiratory disease issue. I guess. (She hasn't gotten sick yet, because of course she hasn't, but I'm still uncomfortable spending time with her.) It's been endlessly frustrating!
I still haven't told her I got vaccinated, because I just don't want to have that conversation with her. The last time I admitted to getting vaccines I considered necessary (like tetanus), she sat on that for a day then called me up in tears. O-M-G.
My dad, on the other hand, is more science-based and is still working from home because his medical condition puts him in a vulnerable category, and I totally support your efforts to continue to do the same. I hope the HR roadblock resolves itself soon!
Well, the HR saga continues. I was assigned a case worker, and finally
got an email today - asking for more medical documentation. I passed
the request along via my patient portal. (Yay, technology.) I got a
message back on the portal that they've sent the info to my HR department.
So, we'll see what the next step is. I understand that they're getting
tons of requests to stay home. Folks with younger children don't want
to risk bringing the virus home. Etc. So, I'll jump through paperwork
hoops, until they realize my case is a no-brainer. (I hope.)
Good luck with the HR saga!
Earlier this month, my mom, aunt, and grandmother all caught COVID - and, thanks to my mother's paranoia, none of them were vaccinated. They also spread it to two of my uncles (one of whom was actually vaccinated, but caught it through repeated exposure to my mother as he tried to take care of her). After a lot of up and down progress in the hospital, my grandmother passed away last week. Her funeral is this week, and I'm not terribly enthusiastic about going (I'm going to be limiting my exposure to other people in the church and staying the heck away from the luncheon. All those open mouths...)
I'm pretty pissed at my mother, tbh.
Went out and got the booster shot yesterday. At least there's that.
I'm so sorry about your grandmother! <virtual hugs>
Take care of yourself through all of this, and stay safe.
A thought you may ignore - it's perfectly fine and understandable to be
pissed at your mom. It may not be wise to let her (or others) know just
how pissed you are.
That's definitely where I am right now - I'm not going to stir up strife, especially when the family is mourning. My friends and therapist know, anyway.
The funeral is today - I'm going, but on full safety mode, which means keeping contact to a minimum. I'm mostly worried about the church service (masks *optional*, argh), so wish me luck?
Luck and as much serenity as you can manage. Let it be the beginning of
healing for everyone.
I hope so. Mostly I got a car full of stuff to take home and a threat/promise from my mom that she's coming to visit in about a week...whether I want her to or not. :I *Internal screaming*
J Peters
2021-10-14 01:31:56 UTC
Post by Skatha
Post by J Peters
Post by Skatha
Post by Skatha
Post by Skatha
Post by Skatha
Gemini is pacing about, mulling something over. She's clearly
conflicted about something. The barkeep waves her over and gives her a
glass of herbal iced tea. "What's eating at you?" he asks.
"So, I've got this medical situation, which has been going on all year.
One aspect of it is that I got my Covid vaccine a bit ahead of schedule.
And now I've been scheduled for a booster shot.
"I'm feeling mostly healthy, most of the time right now. And I know
that other parts of the world are way behind in vaccine access. So, do
I deserve to get a third shot ahead of a school teacher in Thailand?
"I guess it's not a matter of deserving it. I'm fortunate that I have
Gemini pauses for a moment.
"I've got great doctors and facilities available to me. Thank goodness
I'm well insured. Because the payment structure for health care in the
USA is terrible."
"US healthcare and insurance is insaaaaaane," Skatha sighs in agreement. "But as far as I know, they're only scheduling booster shots for those deemed in need of it - at least that's what should be happening at the moment. And given that we're still trying to vaccinate our own population, you're not really taking anything away from anyone because there's plenty available locally. Honestly, I'd get the booster shot now and be grateful for it. Heck, *I'd* get one now if it was appropriate, given how many people are passing on their own opportunities." She shakes her fist at the air. "I hate the whole anti-vax campaign and all the conspiracy paranoia it rode in on!"
"Now, if you want my best prognostication, this time is ideal to get booster shots - again, if it's deemed medically appropriate - but in a few months we might see more pressure on the US to send its supply out globally, and that might limit availability at a domestic level. Also, there's going to be a rush if they declare that everyone should get a booster shot within 6 months or so." Skatha does quick arithmetic on her fingers. "Actually, I'm coming up to that 6-month point myself, so it'll be interesting to see how things develop."
Skatha pauses for a brief internet search. "Aha! 'Americans who received the Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna coronavirus vaccines should get a booster shot eight months after their second vaccine dose, federal health officials said. The boosters will be available beginning Sept. 20, if the Food and Drug Administration agrees to the plan.' So I don't really have to worry about it until October, hooray!"
"Anyway, to return to the original question - get the booster shot. Despite our vaccination rates and our bounty of vaccines available, things are still risky out there with the current surge, especially if you're immunocompromised. Best not to risk taking up a hospital bed when there's so few available at the moment."
I got my booster shot. I'm going to be getting on an airplane tomorrow.
NYT had an article suggesting that boosters are not needed so soon for
most people. The studies suggesting that effectiveness was waning were
flawed. The populations compared were not similar. (Older folks were
vaccinated sooner than most people, and are more likely to have other
health issues. Etc.)
In other news - I'm wrestling with getting a medical pass to not return
to the office. I was a compliant employee and let them know that I'm
vaccinated, so I'm invited to return. However, given my situation, I'm
best off continuing to work from home. My manager agrees. I'm still
getting emails telling me to make sure I know where my building badge
is, and things like that. HR hasn't acknowledged my request or
receiving documentation from my doctor.
I don't talk about my medical situation much, in part because quack
advice makes me crazy. Some of it is harmless and well-meaning. "Get
more antioxidants in your diet!" OK. Can't hurt. Then there are those
who almost sound like they'd like to cart folks off for exorcisms to
cure all ills. And, of course, some folks will blame my way of life, a
working woman who believes in science.
I'm constantly having to filter all of my mother's medical advice - some of it's fine, lots of it is awful, and it's all tends to be in the 'alternative' camp. It's gotten worse lately, since she started out anti-vax (ugh) and it's spiraled into thinking the pandemic is some sort of conspiracy hoax (UGH). She also travels a lot on planes - she wears a mask because it's mandatory, but then tells me she got it from some 'fake mask' website (ARGH). Still, it's cloth in front of her mouth and nose, which at least handles the basic respiratory disease issue. I guess. (She hasn't gotten sick yet, because of course she hasn't, but I'm still uncomfortable spending time with her.) It's been endlessly frustrating!
I still haven't told her I got vaccinated, because I just don't want to have that conversation with her. The last time I admitted to getting vaccines I considered necessary (like tetanus), she sat on that for a day then called me up in tears. O-M-G.
My dad, on the other hand, is more science-based and is still working from home because his medical condition puts him in a vulnerable category, and I totally support your efforts to continue to do the same. I hope the HR roadblock resolves itself soon!
Well, the HR saga continues. I was assigned a case worker, and finally
got an email today - asking for more medical documentation. I passed
the request along via my patient portal. (Yay, technology.) I got a
message back on the portal that they've sent the info to my HR department.
So, we'll see what the next step is. I understand that they're getting
tons of requests to stay home. Folks with younger children don't want
to risk bringing the virus home. Etc. So, I'll jump through paperwork
hoops, until they realize my case is a no-brainer. (I hope.)
Good luck with the HR saga!
Earlier this month, my mom, aunt, and grandmother all caught COVID - and, thanks to my mother's paranoia, none of them were vaccinated. They also spread it to two of my uncles (one of whom was actually vaccinated, but caught it through repeated exposure to my mother as he tried to take care of her). After a lot of up and down progress in the hospital, my grandmother passed away last week. Her funeral is this week, and I'm not terribly enthusiastic about going (I'm going to be limiting my exposure to other people in the church and staying the heck away from the luncheon. All those open mouths...)
I'm pretty pissed at my mother, tbh.
Went out and got the booster shot yesterday. At least there's that.
I'm so sorry about your grandmother! <virtual hugs>
Take care of yourself through all of this, and stay safe.
A thought you may ignore - it's perfectly fine and understandable to be
pissed at your mom. It may not be wise to let her (or others) know just
how pissed you are.
That's definitely where I am right now - I'm not going to stir up strife, especially when the family is mourning. My friends and therapist know, anyway.
The funeral is today - I'm going, but on full safety mode, which means keeping contact to a minimum. I'm mostly worried about the church service (masks *optional*, argh), so wish me luck?
Luck and as much serenity as you can manage. Let it be the beginning of
healing for everyone.
I hope so. Mostly I got a car full of stuff to take home and a threat/promise from my mom that she's coming to visit in about a week...whether I want her to or not. :I *Internal screaming*
Gemini hands over a steaming cup of Serenity.
2021-10-15 22:53:23 UTC
Post by J Peters
Post by J Peters
Post by Skatha
Post by Skatha
Post by Skatha
Post by Skatha
Gemini is pacing about, mulling something over. She's clearly
conflicted about something. The barkeep waves her over and gives her a
glass of herbal iced tea. "What's eating at you?" he asks.
"So, I've got this medical situation, which has been going on all year.
One aspect of it is that I got my Covid vaccine a bit ahead of schedule.
And now I've been scheduled for a booster shot.
"I'm feeling mostly healthy, most of the time right now. And I know
that other parts of the world are way behind in vaccine access. So, do
I deserve to get a third shot ahead of a school teacher in Thailand?
"I guess it's not a matter of deserving it. I'm fortunate that I have
Gemini pauses for a moment.
"I've got great doctors and facilities available to me. Thank goodness
I'm well insured. Because the payment structure for health care in the
USA is terrible."
"US healthcare and insurance is insaaaaaane," Skatha sighs in agreement. "But as far as I know, they're only scheduling booster shots for those deemed in need of it - at least that's what should be happening at the moment. And given that we're still trying to vaccinate our own population, you're not really taking anything away from anyone because there's plenty available locally. Honestly, I'd get the booster shot now and be grateful for it. Heck, *I'd* get one now if it was appropriate, given how many people are passing on their own opportunities." She shakes her fist at the air. "I hate the whole anti-vax campaign and all the conspiracy paranoia it rode in on!"
"Now, if you want my best prognostication, this time is ideal to get booster shots - again, if it's deemed medically appropriate - but in a few months we might see more pressure on the US to send its supply out globally, and that might limit availability at a domestic level. Also, there's going to be a rush if they declare that everyone should get a booster shot within 6 months or so." Skatha does quick arithmetic on her fingers. "Actually, I'm coming up to that 6-month point myself, so it'll be interesting to see how things develop."
Skatha pauses for a brief internet search. "Aha! 'Americans who received the Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna coronavirus vaccines should get a booster shot eight months after their second vaccine dose, federal health officials said. The boosters will be available beginning Sept. 20, if the Food and Drug Administration agrees to the plan.' So I don't really have to worry about it until October, hooray!"
"Anyway, to return to the original question - get the booster shot. Despite our vaccination rates and our bounty of vaccines available, things are still risky out there with the current surge, especially if you're immunocompromised. Best not to risk taking up a hospital bed when there's so few available at the moment."
I got my booster shot. I'm going to be getting on an airplane tomorrow.
NYT had an article suggesting that boosters are not needed so soon for
most people. The studies suggesting that effectiveness was waning were
flawed. The populations compared were not similar. (Older folks were
vaccinated sooner than most people, and are more likely to have other
health issues. Etc.)
In other news - I'm wrestling with getting a medical pass to not return
to the office. I was a compliant employee and let them know that I'm
vaccinated, so I'm invited to return. However, given my situation, I'm
best off continuing to work from home. My manager agrees. I'm still
getting emails telling me to make sure I know where my building badge
is, and things like that. HR hasn't acknowledged my request or
receiving documentation from my doctor.
I don't talk about my medical situation much, in part because quack
advice makes me crazy. Some of it is harmless and well-meaning. "Get
more antioxidants in your diet!" OK. Can't hurt. Then there are those
who almost sound like they'd like to cart folks off for exorcisms to
cure all ills. And, of course, some folks will blame my way of life, a
working woman who believes in science.
I'm constantly having to filter all of my mother's medical advice - some of it's fine, lots of it is awful, and it's all tends to be in the 'alternative' camp. It's gotten worse lately, since she started out anti-vax (ugh) and it's spiraled into thinking the pandemic is some sort of conspiracy hoax (UGH). She also travels a lot on planes - she wears a mask because it's mandatory, but then tells me she got it from some 'fake mask' website (ARGH). Still, it's cloth in front of her mouth and nose, which at least handles the basic respiratory disease issue. I guess. (She hasn't gotten sick yet, because of course she hasn't, but I'm still uncomfortable spending time with her.) It's been endlessly frustrating!
I still haven't told her I got vaccinated, because I just don't want to have that conversation with her. The last time I admitted to getting vaccines I considered necessary (like tetanus), she sat on that for a day then called me up in tears. O-M-G.
My dad, on the other hand, is more science-based and is still working from home because his medical condition puts him in a vulnerable category, and I totally support your efforts to continue to do the same. I hope the HR roadblock resolves itself soon!
Well, the HR saga continues. I was assigned a case worker, and finally
got an email today - asking for more medical documentation. I passed
the request along via my patient portal. (Yay, technology.) I got a
message back on the portal that they've sent the info to my HR department.
So, we'll see what the next step is. I understand that they're getting
tons of requests to stay home. Folks with younger children don't want
to risk bringing the virus home. Etc. So, I'll jump through paperwork
hoops, until they realize my case is a no-brainer. (I hope.)
Good luck with the HR saga!
Earlier this month, my mom, aunt, and grandmother all caught COVID - and, thanks to my mother's paranoia, none of them were vaccinated. They also spread it to two of my uncles (one of whom was actually vaccinated, but caught it through repeated exposure to my mother as he tried to take care of her). After a lot of up and down progress in the hospital, my grandmother passed away last week. Her funeral is this week, and I'm not terribly enthusiastic about going (I'm going to be limiting my exposure to other people in the church and staying the heck away from the luncheon. All those open mouths...)
I'm pretty pissed at my mother, tbh.
Went out and got the booster shot yesterday. At least there's that.
I'm so sorry about your grandmother! <virtual hugs>
Take care of yourself through all of this, and stay safe.
A thought you may ignore - it's perfectly fine and understandable to be
pissed at your mom. It may not be wise to let her (or others) know just
how pissed you are.
That's definitely where I am right now - I'm not going to stir up strife, especially when the family is mourning. My friends and therapist know, anyway.
The funeral is today - I'm going, but on full safety mode, which means keeping contact to a minimum. I'm mostly worried about the church service (masks *optional*, argh), so wish me luck?
Luck and as much serenity as you can manage. Let it be the beginning of
healing for everyone.
I hope so. Mostly I got a car full of stuff to take home and a threat/promise from my mom that she's coming to visit in about a week...whether I want her to or not. :I *Internal screaming*
Gemini hands over a steaming cup of Serenity.
Skatha downs the cup in one gulp like a shot. "Thanks, I needed that. Happily, all of my major life crises have been on a low simmer this week. How have you been doing?"
J Peters
2021-10-18 15:50:38 UTC
Post by Skatha
Post by J Peters
Post by J Peters
Post by Skatha
Post by Skatha
Post by Skatha
Post by Skatha
Gemini is pacing about, mulling something over. She's clearly
conflicted about something. The barkeep waves her over and gives her a
glass of herbal iced tea. "What's eating at you?" he asks.
"So, I've got this medical situation, which has been going on all year.
One aspect of it is that I got my Covid vaccine a bit ahead of schedule.
And now I've been scheduled for a booster shot.
"I'm feeling mostly healthy, most of the time right now. And I know
that other parts of the world are way behind in vaccine access. So, do
I deserve to get a third shot ahead of a school teacher in Thailand?
"I guess it's not a matter of deserving it. I'm fortunate that I have
Gemini pauses for a moment.
"I've got great doctors and facilities available to me. Thank goodness
I'm well insured. Because the payment structure for health care in the
USA is terrible."
"US healthcare and insurance is insaaaaaane," Skatha sighs in agreement. "But as far as I know, they're only scheduling booster shots for those deemed in need of it - at least that's what should be happening at the moment. And given that we're still trying to vaccinate our own population, you're not really taking anything away from anyone because there's plenty available locally. Honestly, I'd get the booster shot now and be grateful for it. Heck, *I'd* get one now if it was appropriate, given how many people are passing on their own opportunities." She shakes her fist at the air. "I hate the whole anti-vax campaign and all the conspiracy paranoia it rode in on!"
"Now, if you want my best prognostication, this time is ideal to get booster shots - again, if it's deemed medically appropriate - but in a few months we might see more pressure on the US to send its supply out globally, and that might limit availability at a domestic level. Also, there's going to be a rush if they declare that everyone should get a booster shot within 6 months or so." Skatha does quick arithmetic on her fingers. "Actually, I'm coming up to that 6-month point myself, so it'll be interesting to see how things develop."
Skatha pauses for a brief internet search. "Aha! 'Americans who received the Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna coronavirus vaccines should get a booster shot eight months after their second vaccine dose, federal health officials said. The boosters will be available beginning Sept. 20, if the Food and Drug Administration agrees to the plan.' So I don't really have to worry about it until October, hooray!"
"Anyway, to return to the original question - get the booster shot. Despite our vaccination rates and our bounty of vaccines available, things are still risky out there with the current surge, especially if you're immunocompromised. Best not to risk taking up a hospital bed when there's so few available at the moment."
I got my booster shot. I'm going to be getting on an airplane tomorrow.
NYT had an article suggesting that boosters are not needed so soon for
most people. The studies suggesting that effectiveness was waning were
flawed. The populations compared were not similar. (Older folks were
vaccinated sooner than most people, and are more likely to have other
health issues. Etc.)
In other news - I'm wrestling with getting a medical pass to not return
to the office. I was a compliant employee and let them know that I'm
vaccinated, so I'm invited to return. However, given my situation, I'm
best off continuing to work from home. My manager agrees. I'm still
getting emails telling me to make sure I know where my building badge
is, and things like that. HR hasn't acknowledged my request or
receiving documentation from my doctor.
I don't talk about my medical situation much, in part because quack
advice makes me crazy. Some of it is harmless and well-meaning. "Get
more antioxidants in your diet!" OK. Can't hurt. Then there are those
who almost sound like they'd like to cart folks off for exorcisms to
cure all ills. And, of course, some folks will blame my way of life, a
working woman who believes in science.
I'm constantly having to filter all of my mother's medical advice - some of it's fine, lots of it is awful, and it's all tends to be in the 'alternative' camp. It's gotten worse lately, since she started out anti-vax (ugh) and it's spiraled into thinking the pandemic is some sort of conspiracy hoax (UGH). She also travels a lot on planes - she wears a mask because it's mandatory, but then tells me she got it from some 'fake mask' website (ARGH). Still, it's cloth in front of her mouth and nose, which at least handles the basic respiratory disease issue. I guess. (She hasn't gotten sick yet, because of course she hasn't, but I'm still uncomfortable spending time with her.) It's been endlessly frustrating!
I still haven't told her I got vaccinated, because I just don't want to have that conversation with her. The last time I admitted to getting vaccines I considered necessary (like tetanus), she sat on that for a day then called me up in tears. O-M-G.
My dad, on the other hand, is more science-based and is still working from home because his medical condition puts him in a vulnerable category, and I totally support your efforts to continue to do the same. I hope the HR roadblock resolves itself soon!
Well, the HR saga continues. I was assigned a case worker, and finally
got an email today - asking for more medical documentation. I passed
the request along via my patient portal. (Yay, technology.) I got a
message back on the portal that they've sent the info to my HR department.
So, we'll see what the next step is. I understand that they're getting
tons of requests to stay home. Folks with younger children don't want
to risk bringing the virus home. Etc. So, I'll jump through paperwork
hoops, until they realize my case is a no-brainer. (I hope.)
Good luck with the HR saga!
Earlier this month, my mom, aunt, and grandmother all caught COVID - and, thanks to my mother's paranoia, none of them were vaccinated. They also spread it to two of my uncles (one of whom was actually vaccinated, but caught it through repeated exposure to my mother as he tried to take care of her). After a lot of up and down progress in the hospital, my grandmother passed away last week. Her funeral is this week, and I'm not terribly enthusiastic about going (I'm going to be limiting my exposure to other people in the church and staying the heck away from the luncheon. All those open mouths...)
I'm pretty pissed at my mother, tbh.
Went out and got the booster shot yesterday. At least there's that.
I'm so sorry about your grandmother! <virtual hugs>
Take care of yourself through all of this, and stay safe.
A thought you may ignore - it's perfectly fine and understandable to be
pissed at your mom. It may not be wise to let her (or others) know just
how pissed you are.
That's definitely where I am right now - I'm not going to stir up strife, especially when the family is mourning. My friends and therapist know, anyway.
The funeral is today - I'm going, but on full safety mode, which means keeping contact to a minimum. I'm mostly worried about the church service (masks *optional*, argh), so wish me luck?
Luck and as much serenity as you can manage. Let it be the beginning of
healing for everyone.
I hope so. Mostly I got a car full of stuff to take home and a threat/promise from my mom that she's coming to visit in about a week...whether I want her to or not. :I *Internal screaming*
Gemini hands over a steaming cup of Serenity.
Skatha downs the cup in one gulp like a shot. "Thanks, I needed that. Happily, all of my major life crises have been on a low simmer this week. How have you been doing?"
"Working from home. Carrying on. Enjoying autumn." Gemini stirs a bit
of honey into her tea. "Not a peep from HR, so I've just been doing
what makes sense. My boss is cool with that." She shrugs. "I may be
ready to return to the office before they finish up their process."
2021-10-19 12:34:41 UTC
Post by Skatha
Post by J Peters
Post by J Peters
Post by Skatha
Post by Skatha
Post by Skatha
Post by Skatha
Gemini is pacing about, mulling something over. She's clearly
conflicted about something. The barkeep waves her over and gives her a
glass of herbal iced tea. "What's eating at you?" he asks.
"So, I've got this medical situation, which has been going on all year.
One aspect of it is that I got my Covid vaccine a bit ahead of schedule.
And now I've been scheduled for a booster shot.
"I'm feeling mostly healthy, most of the time right now. And I know
that other parts of the world are way behind in vaccine access. So, do
I deserve to get a third shot ahead of a school teacher in Thailand?
"I guess it's not a matter of deserving it. I'm fortunate that I have
Gemini pauses for a moment.
"I've got great doctors and facilities available to me. Thank goodness
I'm well insured. Because the payment structure for health care in the
USA is terrible."
"US healthcare and insurance is insaaaaaane," Skatha sighs in agreement. "But as far as I know, they're only scheduling booster shots for those deemed in need of it - at least that's what should be happening at the moment. And given that we're still trying to vaccinate our own population, you're not really taking anything away from anyone because there's plenty available locally. Honestly, I'd get the booster shot now and be grateful for it. Heck, *I'd* get one now if it was appropriate, given how many people are passing on their own opportunities." She shakes her fist at the air. "I hate the whole anti-vax campaign and all the conspiracy paranoia it rode in on!"
"Now, if you want my best prognostication, this time is ideal to get booster shots - again, if it's deemed medically appropriate - but in a few months we might see more pressure on the US to send its supply out globally, and that might limit availability at a domestic level. Also, there's going to be a rush if they declare that everyone should get a booster shot within 6 months or so." Skatha does quick arithmetic on her fingers. "Actually, I'm coming up to that 6-month point myself, so it'll be interesting to see how things develop."
Skatha pauses for a brief internet search. "Aha! 'Americans who received the Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna coronavirus vaccines should get a booster shot eight months after their second vaccine dose, federal health officials said. The boosters will be available beginning Sept. 20, if the Food and Drug Administration agrees to the plan.' So I don't really have to worry about it until October, hooray!"
"Anyway, to return to the original question - get the booster shot. Despite our vaccination rates and our bounty of vaccines available, things are still risky out there with the current surge, especially if you're immunocompromised. Best not to risk taking up a hospital bed when there's so few available at the moment."
I got my booster shot. I'm going to be getting on an airplane tomorrow.
NYT had an article suggesting that boosters are not needed so soon for
most people. The studies suggesting that effectiveness was waning were
flawed. The populations compared were not similar. (Older folks were
vaccinated sooner than most people, and are more likely to have other
health issues. Etc.)
In other news - I'm wrestling with getting a medical pass to not return
to the office. I was a compliant employee and let them know that I'm
vaccinated, so I'm invited to return. However, given my situation, I'm
best off continuing to work from home. My manager agrees. I'm still
getting emails telling me to make sure I know where my building badge
is, and things like that. HR hasn't acknowledged my request or
receiving documentation from my doctor.
I don't talk about my medical situation much, in part because quack
advice makes me crazy. Some of it is harmless and well-meaning. "Get
more antioxidants in your diet!" OK. Can't hurt. Then there are those
who almost sound like they'd like to cart folks off for exorcisms to
cure all ills. And, of course, some folks will blame my way of life, a
working woman who believes in science.
I'm constantly having to filter all of my mother's medical advice - some of it's fine, lots of it is awful, and it's all tends to be in the 'alternative' camp. It's gotten worse lately, since she started out anti-vax (ugh) and it's spiraled into thinking the pandemic is some sort of conspiracy hoax (UGH). She also travels a lot on planes - she wears a mask because it's mandatory, but then tells me she got it from some 'fake mask' website (ARGH). Still, it's cloth in front of her mouth and nose, which at least handles the basic respiratory disease issue. I guess. (She hasn't gotten sick yet, because of course she hasn't, but I'm still uncomfortable spending time with her.) It's been endlessly frustrating!
I still haven't told her I got vaccinated, because I just don't want to have that conversation with her. The last time I admitted to getting vaccines I considered necessary (like tetanus), she sat on that for a day then called me up in tears. O-M-G.
My dad, on the other hand, is more science-based and is still working from home because his medical condition puts him in a vulnerable category, and I totally support your efforts to continue to do the same. I hope the HR roadblock resolves itself soon!
Well, the HR saga continues. I was assigned a case worker, and finally
got an email today - asking for more medical documentation. I passed
the request along via my patient portal. (Yay, technology.) I got a
message back on the portal that they've sent the info to my HR department.
So, we'll see what the next step is. I understand that they're getting
tons of requests to stay home. Folks with younger children don't want
to risk bringing the virus home. Etc. So, I'll jump through paperwork
hoops, until they realize my case is a no-brainer. (I hope.)
Good luck with the HR saga!
Earlier this month, my mom, aunt, and grandmother all caught COVID - and, thanks to my mother's paranoia, none of them were vaccinated. They also spread it to two of my uncles (one of whom was actually vaccinated, but caught it through repeated exposure to my mother as he tried to take care of her). After a lot of up and down progress in the hospital, my grandmother passed away last week. Her funeral is this week, and I'm not terribly enthusiastic about going (I'm going to be limiting my exposure to other people in the church and staying the heck away from the luncheon. All those open mouths...)
I'm pretty pissed at my mother, tbh.
Went out and got the booster shot yesterday. At least there's that.
I'm so sorry about your grandmother! <virtual hugs>
Take care of yourself through all of this, and stay safe.
A thought you may ignore - it's perfectly fine and understandable to be
pissed at your mom. It may not be wise to let her (or others) know just
how pissed you are.
That's definitely where I am right now - I'm not going to stir up strife, especially when the family is mourning. My friends and therapist know, anyway.
The funeral is today - I'm going, but on full safety mode, which means keeping contact to a minimum. I'm mostly worried about the church service (masks *optional*, argh), so wish me luck?
Luck and as much serenity as you can manage. Let it be the beginning of
healing for everyone.
I hope so. Mostly I got a car full of stuff to take home and a threat/promise from my mom that she's coming to visit in about a week...whether I want her to or not. :I *Internal screaming*
Gemini hands over a steaming cup of Serenity.
Skatha downs the cup in one gulp like a shot. "Thanks, I needed that. Happily, all of my major life crises have been on a low simmer this week. How have you been doing?"
"Working from home. Carrying on. Enjoying autumn." Gemini stirs a bit
of honey into her tea. "Not a peep from HR, so I've just been doing
what makes sense. My boss is cool with that." She shrugs. "I may be
ready to return to the office before they finish up their process."
"I'm glad that HR isn't being a problem! We could all use to have less stress in our lives right now - I hope the trend continues for you." Skatha sighs and sags into a chair. "Do you have any plans for Halloween?"
J Peters
2021-10-22 16:53:06 UTC
Post by Skatha
Post by Skatha
Post by J Peters
Post by J Peters
Post by Skatha
Post by Skatha
Post by Skatha
Post by Skatha
Gemini is pacing about, mulling something over. She's clearly
conflicted about something. The barkeep waves her over and gives her a
glass of herbal iced tea. "What's eating at you?" he asks.
"So, I've got this medical situation, which has been going on all year.
One aspect of it is that I got my Covid vaccine a bit ahead of schedule.
And now I've been scheduled for a booster shot.
"I'm feeling mostly healthy, most of the time right now. And I know
that other parts of the world are way behind in vaccine access. So, do
I deserve to get a third shot ahead of a school teacher in Thailand?
"I guess it's not a matter of deserving it. I'm fortunate that I have
Gemini pauses for a moment.
"I've got great doctors and facilities available to me. Thank goodness
I'm well insured. Because the payment structure for health care in the
USA is terrible."
"US healthcare and insurance is insaaaaaane," Skatha sighs in agreement. "But as far as I know, they're only scheduling booster shots for those deemed in need of it - at least that's what should be happening at the moment. And given that we're still trying to vaccinate our own population, you're not really taking anything away from anyone because there's plenty available locally. Honestly, I'd get the booster shot now and be grateful for it. Heck, *I'd* get one now if it was appropriate, given how many people are passing on their own opportunities." She shakes her fist at the air. "I hate the whole anti-vax campaign and all the conspiracy paranoia it rode in on!"
"Now, if you want my best prognostication, this time is ideal to get booster shots - again, if it's deemed medically appropriate - but in a few months we might see more pressure on the US to send its supply out globally, and that might limit availability at a domestic level. Also, there's going to be a rush if they declare that everyone should get a booster shot within 6 months or so." Skatha does quick arithmetic on her fingers. "Actually, I'm coming up to that 6-month point myself, so it'll be interesting to see how things develop."
Skatha pauses for a brief internet search. "Aha! 'Americans who received the Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna coronavirus vaccines should get a booster shot eight months after their second vaccine dose, federal health officials said. The boosters will be available beginning Sept. 20, if the Food and Drug Administration agrees to the plan.' So I don't really have to worry about it until October, hooray!"
"Anyway, to return to the original question - get the booster shot. Despite our vaccination rates and our bounty of vaccines available, things are still risky out there with the current surge, especially if you're immunocompromised. Best not to risk taking up a hospital bed when there's so few available at the moment."
I got my booster shot. I'm going to be getting on an airplane tomorrow.
NYT had an article suggesting that boosters are not needed so soon for
most people. The studies suggesting that effectiveness was waning were
flawed. The populations compared were not similar. (Older folks were
vaccinated sooner than most people, and are more likely to have other
health issues. Etc.)
In other news - I'm wrestling with getting a medical pass to not return
to the office. I was a compliant employee and let them know that I'm
vaccinated, so I'm invited to return. However, given my situation, I'm
best off continuing to work from home. My manager agrees. I'm still
getting emails telling me to make sure I know where my building badge
is, and things like that. HR hasn't acknowledged my request or
receiving documentation from my doctor.
I don't talk about my medical situation much, in part because quack
advice makes me crazy. Some of it is harmless and well-meaning. "Get
more antioxidants in your diet!" OK. Can't hurt. Then there are those
who almost sound like they'd like to cart folks off for exorcisms to
cure all ills. And, of course, some folks will blame my way of life, a
working woman who believes in science.
I'm constantly having to filter all of my mother's medical advice - some of it's fine, lots of it is awful, and it's all tends to be in the 'alternative' camp. It's gotten worse lately, since she started out anti-vax (ugh) and it's spiraled into thinking the pandemic is some sort of conspiracy hoax (UGH). She also travels a lot on planes - she wears a mask because it's mandatory, but then tells me she got it from some 'fake mask' website (ARGH). Still, it's cloth in front of her mouth and nose, which at least handles the basic respiratory disease issue. I guess. (She hasn't gotten sick yet, because of course she hasn't, but I'm still uncomfortable spending time with her.) It's been endlessly frustrating!
I still haven't told her I got vaccinated, because I just don't want to have that conversation with her. The last time I admitted to getting vaccines I considered necessary (like tetanus), she sat on that for a day then called me up in tears. O-M-G.
My dad, on the other hand, is more science-based and is still working from home because his medical condition puts him in a vulnerable category, and I totally support your efforts to continue to do the same. I hope the HR roadblock resolves itself soon!
Well, the HR saga continues. I was assigned a case worker, and finally
got an email today - asking for more medical documentation. I passed
the request along via my patient portal. (Yay, technology.) I got a
message back on the portal that they've sent the info to my HR department.
So, we'll see what the next step is. I understand that they're getting
tons of requests to stay home. Folks with younger children don't want
to risk bringing the virus home. Etc. So, I'll jump through paperwork
hoops, until they realize my case is a no-brainer. (I hope.)
Good luck with the HR saga!
Earlier this month, my mom, aunt, and grandmother all caught COVID - and, thanks to my mother's paranoia, none of them were vaccinated. They also spread it to two of my uncles (one of whom was actually vaccinated, but caught it through repeated exposure to my mother as he tried to take care of her). After a lot of up and down progress in the hospital, my grandmother passed away last week. Her funeral is this week, and I'm not terribly enthusiastic about going (I'm going to be limiting my exposure to other people in the church and staying the heck away from the luncheon. All those open mouths...)
I'm pretty pissed at my mother, tbh.
Went out and got the booster shot yesterday. At least there's that.
I'm so sorry about your grandmother! <virtual hugs>
Take care of yourself through all of this, and stay safe.
A thought you may ignore - it's perfectly fine and understandable to be
pissed at your mom. It may not be wise to let her (or others) know just
how pissed you are.
That's definitely where I am right now - I'm not going to stir up strife, especially when the family is mourning. My friends and therapist know, anyway.
The funeral is today - I'm going, but on full safety mode, which means keeping contact to a minimum. I'm mostly worried about the church service (masks *optional*, argh), so wish me luck?
Luck and as much serenity as you can manage. Let it be the beginning of
healing for everyone.
I hope so. Mostly I got a car full of stuff to take home and a threat/promise from my mom that she's coming to visit in about a week...whether I want her to or not. :I *Internal screaming*
Gemini hands over a steaming cup of Serenity.
Skatha downs the cup in one gulp like a shot. "Thanks, I needed that. Happily, all of my major life crises have been on a low simmer this week. How have you been doing?"
"Working from home. Carrying on. Enjoying autumn." Gemini stirs a bit
of honey into her tea. "Not a peep from HR, so I've just been doing
what makes sense. My boss is cool with that." She shrugs. "I may be
ready to return to the office before they finish up their process."
"I'm glad that HR isn't being a problem! We could all use to have less stress in our lives right now - I hope the trend continues for you." Skatha sighs and sags into a chair. "Do you have any plans for Halloween?"
Gemini plops a bowl on the table. It's full of colorful, shiny,
foil-wrapped treats. "Ghirardelli squares. My holiday treat from
Halloween to however long the loot lasts. Probably not all the way to
Valentines Day."
2021-10-28 23:19:08 UTC
Post by Skatha
Post by Skatha
Post by J Peters
Post by J Peters
Post by Skatha
Post by Skatha
Post by Skatha
Post by Skatha
Gemini is pacing about, mulling something over. She's clearly
conflicted about something. The barkeep waves her over and gives her a
glass of herbal iced tea. "What's eating at you?" he asks.
"So, I've got this medical situation, which has been going on all year.
One aspect of it is that I got my Covid vaccine a bit ahead of schedule.
And now I've been scheduled for a booster shot.
"I'm feeling mostly healthy, most of the time right now. And I know
that other parts of the world are way behind in vaccine access. So, do
I deserve to get a third shot ahead of a school teacher in Thailand?
"I guess it's not a matter of deserving it. I'm fortunate that I have
Gemini pauses for a moment.
"I've got great doctors and facilities available to me. Thank goodness
I'm well insured. Because the payment structure for health care in the
USA is terrible."
"US healthcare and insurance is insaaaaaane," Skatha sighs in agreement. "But as far as I know, they're only scheduling booster shots for those deemed in need of it - at least that's what should be happening at the moment. And given that we're still trying to vaccinate our own population, you're not really taking anything away from anyone because there's plenty available locally. Honestly, I'd get the booster shot now and be grateful for it. Heck, *I'd* get one now if it was appropriate, given how many people are passing on their own opportunities." She shakes her fist at the air. "I hate the whole anti-vax campaign and all the conspiracy paranoia it rode in on!"
"Now, if you want my best prognostication, this time is ideal to get booster shots - again, if it's deemed medically appropriate - but in a few months we might see more pressure on the US to send its supply out globally, and that might limit availability at a domestic level. Also, there's going to be a rush if they declare that everyone should get a booster shot within 6 months or so." Skatha does quick arithmetic on her fingers. "Actually, I'm coming up to that 6-month point myself, so it'll be interesting to see how things develop."
Skatha pauses for a brief internet search. "Aha! 'Americans who received the Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna coronavirus vaccines should get a booster shot eight months after their second vaccine dose, federal health officials said. The boosters will be available beginning Sept. 20, if the Food and Drug Administration agrees to the plan.' So I don't really have to worry about it until October, hooray!"
"Anyway, to return to the original question - get the booster shot. Despite our vaccination rates and our bounty of vaccines available, things are still risky out there with the current surge, especially if you're immunocompromised. Best not to risk taking up a hospital bed when there's so few available at the moment."
I got my booster shot. I'm going to be getting on an airplane tomorrow.
NYT had an article suggesting that boosters are not needed so soon for
most people. The studies suggesting that effectiveness was waning were
flawed. The populations compared were not similar. (Older folks were
vaccinated sooner than most people, and are more likely to have other
health issues. Etc.)
In other news - I'm wrestling with getting a medical pass to not return
to the office. I was a compliant employee and let them know that I'm
vaccinated, so I'm invited to return. However, given my situation, I'm
best off continuing to work from home. My manager agrees. I'm still
getting emails telling me to make sure I know where my building badge
is, and things like that. HR hasn't acknowledged my request or
receiving documentation from my doctor.
I don't talk about my medical situation much, in part because quack
advice makes me crazy. Some of it is harmless and well-meaning. "Get
more antioxidants in your diet!" OK. Can't hurt. Then there are those
who almost sound like they'd like to cart folks off for exorcisms to
cure all ills. And, of course, some folks will blame my way of life, a
working woman who believes in science.
I'm constantly having to filter all of my mother's medical advice - some of it's fine, lots of it is awful, and it's all tends to be in the 'alternative' camp. It's gotten worse lately, since she started out anti-vax (ugh) and it's spiraled into thinking the pandemic is some sort of conspiracy hoax (UGH). She also travels a lot on planes - she wears a mask because it's mandatory, but then tells me she got it from some 'fake mask' website (ARGH). Still, it's cloth in front of her mouth and nose, which at least handles the basic respiratory disease issue. I guess. (She hasn't gotten sick yet, because of course she hasn't, but I'm still uncomfortable spending time with her.) It's been endlessly frustrating!
I still haven't told her I got vaccinated, because I just don't want to have that conversation with her. The last time I admitted to getting vaccines I considered necessary (like tetanus), she sat on that for a day then called me up in tears. O-M-G.
My dad, on the other hand, is more science-based and is still working from home because his medical condition puts him in a vulnerable category, and I totally support your efforts to continue to do the same. I hope the HR roadblock resolves itself soon!
Well, the HR saga continues. I was assigned a case worker, and finally
got an email today - asking for more medical documentation. I passed
the request along via my patient portal. (Yay, technology.) I got a
message back on the portal that they've sent the info to my HR department.
So, we'll see what the next step is. I understand that they're getting
tons of requests to stay home. Folks with younger children don't want
to risk bringing the virus home. Etc. So, I'll jump through paperwork
hoops, until they realize my case is a no-brainer. (I hope.)
Good luck with the HR saga!
Earlier this month, my mom, aunt, and grandmother all caught COVID - and, thanks to my mother's paranoia, none of them were vaccinated. They also spread it to two of my uncles (one of whom was actually vaccinated, but caught it through repeated exposure to my mother as he tried to take care of her). After a lot of up and down progress in the hospital, my grandmother passed away last week. Her funeral is this week, and I'm not terribly enthusiastic about going (I'm going to be limiting my exposure to other people in the church and staying the heck away from the luncheon. All those open mouths...)
I'm pretty pissed at my mother, tbh.
Went out and got the booster shot yesterday. At least there's that.
I'm so sorry about your grandmother! <virtual hugs>
Take care of yourself through all of this, and stay safe.
A thought you may ignore - it's perfectly fine and understandable to be
pissed at your mom. It may not be wise to let her (or others) know just
how pissed you are.
That's definitely where I am right now - I'm not going to stir up strife, especially when the family is mourning. My friends and therapist know, anyway.
The funeral is today - I'm going, but on full safety mode, which means keeping contact to a minimum. I'm mostly worried about the church service (masks *optional*, argh), so wish me luck?
Luck and as much serenity as you can manage. Let it be the beginning of
healing for everyone.
I hope so. Mostly I got a car full of stuff to take home and a threat/promise from my mom that she's coming to visit in about a week...whether I want her to or not. :I *Internal screaming*
Gemini hands over a steaming cup of Serenity.
Skatha downs the cup in one gulp like a shot. "Thanks, I needed that. Happily, all of my major life crises have been on a low simmer this week. How have you been doing?"
"Working from home. Carrying on. Enjoying autumn." Gemini stirs a bit
of honey into her tea. "Not a peep from HR, so I've just been doing
what makes sense. My boss is cool with that." She shrugs. "I may be
ready to return to the office before they finish up their process."
"I'm glad that HR isn't being a problem! We could all use to have less stress in our lives right now - I hope the trend continues for you." Skatha sighs and sags into a chair. "Do you have any plans for Halloween?"
Gemini plops a bowl on the table. It's full of colorful, shiny,
foil-wrapped treats. "Ghirardelli squares. My holiday treat from
Halloween to however long the loot lasts. Probably not all the way to
Valentines Day."
"Nice! I think this year, the idea is for me and my friend to put on ridiculous costumes, watch horror movies, and hand out candy. The perfect plan."
J Peters
2021-10-31 02:55:36 UTC
Post by Skatha
Post by Skatha
Post by Skatha
Post by J Peters
Post by J Peters
Post by Skatha
Post by Skatha
Post by Skatha
Post by Skatha
Gemini is pacing about, mulling something over. She's clearly
conflicted about something. The barkeep waves her over and gives her a
glass of herbal iced tea. "What's eating at you?" he asks.
"So, I've got this medical situation, which has been going on all year.
One aspect of it is that I got my Covid vaccine a bit ahead of schedule.
And now I've been scheduled for a booster shot.
"I'm feeling mostly healthy, most of the time right now. And I know
that other parts of the world are way behind in vaccine access. So, do
I deserve to get a third shot ahead of a school teacher in Thailand?
"I guess it's not a matter of deserving it. I'm fortunate that I have
Gemini pauses for a moment.
"I've got great doctors and facilities available to me. Thank goodness
I'm well insured. Because the payment structure for health care in the
USA is terrible."
"US healthcare and insurance is insaaaaaane," Skatha sighs in agreement. "But as far as I know, they're only scheduling booster shots for those deemed in need of it - at least that's what should be happening at the moment. And given that we're still trying to vaccinate our own population, you're not really taking anything away from anyone because there's plenty available locally. Honestly, I'd get the booster shot now and be grateful for it. Heck, *I'd* get one now if it was appropriate, given how many people are passing on their own opportunities." She shakes her fist at the air. "I hate the whole anti-vax campaign and all the conspiracy paranoia it rode in on!"
"Now, if you want my best prognostication, this time is ideal to get booster shots - again, if it's deemed medically appropriate - but in a few months we might see more pressure on the US to send its supply out globally, and that might limit availability at a domestic level. Also, there's going to be a rush if they declare that everyone should get a booster shot within 6 months or so." Skatha does quick arithmetic on her fingers. "Actually, I'm coming up to that 6-month point myself, so it'll be interesting to see how things develop."
Skatha pauses for a brief internet search. "Aha! 'Americans who received the Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna coronavirus vaccines should get a booster shot eight months after their second vaccine dose, federal health officials said. The boosters will be available beginning Sept. 20, if the Food and Drug Administration agrees to the plan.' So I don't really have to worry about it until October, hooray!"
"Anyway, to return to the original question - get the booster shot. Despite our vaccination rates and our bounty of vaccines available, things are still risky out there with the current surge, especially if you're immunocompromised. Best not to risk taking up a hospital bed when there's so few available at the moment."
I got my booster shot. I'm going to be getting on an airplane tomorrow.
NYT had an article suggesting that boosters are not needed so soon for
most people. The studies suggesting that effectiveness was waning were
flawed. The populations compared were not similar. (Older folks were
vaccinated sooner than most people, and are more likely to have other
health issues. Etc.)
In other news - I'm wrestling with getting a medical pass to not return
to the office. I was a compliant employee and let them know that I'm
vaccinated, so I'm invited to return. However, given my situation, I'm
best off continuing to work from home. My manager agrees. I'm still
getting emails telling me to make sure I know where my building badge
is, and things like that. HR hasn't acknowledged my request or
receiving documentation from my doctor.
I don't talk about my medical situation much, in part because quack
advice makes me crazy. Some of it is harmless and well-meaning. "Get
more antioxidants in your diet!" OK. Can't hurt. Then there are those
who almost sound like they'd like to cart folks off for exorcisms to
cure all ills. And, of course, some folks will blame my way of life, a
working woman who believes in science.
I'm constantly having to filter all of my mother's medical advice - some of it's fine, lots of it is awful, and it's all tends to be in the 'alternative' camp. It's gotten worse lately, since she started out anti-vax (ugh) and it's spiraled into thinking the pandemic is some sort of conspiracy hoax (UGH). She also travels a lot on planes - she wears a mask because it's mandatory, but then tells me she got it from some 'fake mask' website (ARGH). Still, it's cloth in front of her mouth and nose, which at least handles the basic respiratory disease issue. I guess. (She hasn't gotten sick yet, because of course she hasn't, but I'm still uncomfortable spending time with her.) It's been endlessly frustrating!
I still haven't told her I got vaccinated, because I just don't want to have that conversation with her. The last time I admitted to getting vaccines I considered necessary (like tetanus), she sat on that for a day then called me up in tears. O-M-G.
My dad, on the other hand, is more science-based and is still working from home because his medical condition puts him in a vulnerable category, and I totally support your efforts to continue to do the same. I hope the HR roadblock resolves itself soon!
Well, the HR saga continues. I was assigned a case worker, and finally
got an email today - asking for more medical documentation. I passed
the request along via my patient portal. (Yay, technology.) I got a
message back on the portal that they've sent the info to my HR department.
So, we'll see what the next step is. I understand that they're getting
tons of requests to stay home. Folks with younger children don't want
to risk bringing the virus home. Etc. So, I'll jump through paperwork
hoops, until they realize my case is a no-brainer. (I hope.)
Good luck with the HR saga!
Earlier this month, my mom, aunt, and grandmother all caught COVID - and, thanks to my mother's paranoia, none of them were vaccinated. They also spread it to two of my uncles (one of whom was actually vaccinated, but caught it through repeated exposure to my mother as he tried to take care of her). After a lot of up and down progress in the hospital, my grandmother passed away last week. Her funeral is this week, and I'm not terribly enthusiastic about going (I'm going to be limiting my exposure to other people in the church and staying the heck away from the luncheon. All those open mouths...)
I'm pretty pissed at my mother, tbh.
Went out and got the booster shot yesterday. At least there's that.
I'm so sorry about your grandmother! <virtual hugs>
Take care of yourself through all of this, and stay safe.
A thought you may ignore - it's perfectly fine and understandable to be
pissed at your mom. It may not be wise to let her (or others) know just
how pissed you are.
That's definitely where I am right now - I'm not going to stir up strife, especially when the family is mourning. My friends and therapist know, anyway.
The funeral is today - I'm going, but on full safety mode, which means keeping contact to a minimum. I'm mostly worried about the church service (masks *optional*, argh), so wish me luck?
Luck and as much serenity as you can manage. Let it be the beginning of
healing for everyone.
I hope so. Mostly I got a car full of stuff to take home and a threat/promise from my mom that she's coming to visit in about a week...whether I want her to or not. :I *Internal screaming*
Gemini hands over a steaming cup of Serenity.
Skatha downs the cup in one gulp like a shot. "Thanks, I needed that. Happily, all of my major life crises have been on a low simmer this week. How have you been doing?"
"Working from home. Carrying on. Enjoying autumn." Gemini stirs a bit
of honey into her tea. "Not a peep from HR, so I've just been doing
what makes sense. My boss is cool with that." She shrugs. "I may be
ready to return to the office before they finish up their process."
"I'm glad that HR isn't being a problem! We could all use to have less stress in our lives right now - I hope the trend continues for you." Skatha sighs and sags into a chair. "Do you have any plans for Halloween?"
Gemini plops a bowl on the table. It's full of colorful, shiny,
foil-wrapped treats. "Ghirardelli squares. My holiday treat from
Halloween to however long the loot lasts. Probably not all the way to
Valentines Day."
"Nice! I think this year, the idea is for me and my friend to put on ridiculous costumes, watch horror movies, and hand out candy. The perfect plan."
"I might do a 1969 San Fransisco flower child thing for Halloween. But
people might not notice..."
