For no particular reason --
(too old to reply)
2005-01-26 22:27:17 UTC
except that I rather like this little bb.

It seems lonely sometimes, with not enough people around to keep it
busy. I'm sure there are people who love it, and feel cozy in it, but
I check in and it's spam and a month old message or two and I want to
wrap it up in Linus's security blanket, like the tree in _A Charlie
Brown Christmas_.

So I am posting a post, and waving to anyone out there, and then I'm
going to dust off a table and dig in the back kitchen for a kettle.
I'll brew a big brown pot of tea and set out a plate of various bar
cookies and goodies. Then I will move one chair into the thin winter
sun sliding in from the front window. I'll sit down, close my eyes,
and start humming "Plaisir D'Amour."

If I am lucky someone is out there to take up a harmony line, and
someone else will get a mug and have some tea with me, and someone else
will email a friend and say, "Hey, it looks like there's life in the
old place yet."

Because for no particular reason I really like the Amethyst
Coffeehouse, and I miss whatever it is in some lost or not-yet-realized
prime of its life. And I figure there's nothing wrong with seeing if a
bit of ritual magic and affection can't summon up the other people I
KNOW must love this place, too.

2005-01-26 23:24:54 UTC
Post by Peg
except that I rather like this little bb.
It seems lonely sometimes, with not enough people around to keep it
busy. I'm sure there are people who love it, and feel cozy in it, but
I check in and it's spam and a month old message or two and I want to
wrap it up in Linus's security blanket, like the tree in _A Charlie
Brown Christmas_.
So I am posting a post, and waving to anyone out there, and then I'm
going to dust off a table and dig in the back kitchen for a kettle.
I'll brew a big brown pot of tea and set out a plate of various bar
cookies and goodies. Then I will move one chair into the thin winter
sun sliding in from the front window. I'll sit down, close my eyes,
and start humming "Plaisir D'Amour."
If I am lucky someone is out there to take up a harmony line, and
someone else will get a mug and have some tea with me, and someone else
will email a friend and say, "Hey, it looks like there's life in the
old place yet."
Because for no particular reason I really like the Amethyst
Coffeehouse, and I miss whatever it is in some lost or not-yet-realized
prime of its life. And I figure there's nothing wrong with seeing if a
bit of ritual magic and affection can't summon up the other people I
KNOW must love this place, too.
Diana hears someone humming a favorite song of hers from a lovely time past.
In fact, it's a song she used to sing. She joins in with the harmony for a
few verses, then sits back and looks at her singing partner.

"Hi. Peg, is it? Don't think we've met. I'm Diana. Welcome to the
Amethyst. But then, you've been her before, have you?"

Portal To My Pages
2005-01-27 01:48:49 UTC
Hi, Diana.
I've posted a few times, a few years ago. I've lurked many more. As I
said, I don't know quite why I feel so fond of the place, but I do.

Thank you for the harmony line, it's sweet for two voices and in VR I'm
a superb contralto, rather than the somewhat erratic one I am in RL. I
picked up the song as a kid, during the height of the folk music peak:
Joan Baez version, though I've heard others since. It's a lovely,
lovely thing, and it seems to me to suit the environment.

Tell me about the place: Most of the times I've been here it's seemed
largely empty, but it keeps on ticking.
I do like it. And I'm glad to meet you.

Daniel R. Reitman
2005-01-27 07:08:43 UTC
Post by Peg
Hi, Diana.
I've posted a few times, a few years ago. I've lurked many more. As I
said, I don't know quite why I feel so fond of the place, but I do.
Thank you for the harmony line, it's sweet for two voices and in VR I'm
a superb contralto, rather than the somewhat erratic one I am in RL. I
Joan Baez version, though I've heard others since. It's a lovely,
lovely thing, and it seems to me to suit the environment.
Tell me about the place: Most of the times I've been here it's seemed
largely empty, but it keeps on ticking.
I do like it. And I'm glad to meet you.
Daniel walks in, muffs the bass line, and orders a hot chocolate with
raspberry syrup and whipped cream.

"It's been a while, hasn't it? I've been out there spending a lot of
time dealing with real life."

Dan, ad nauseam
2005-01-27 16:20:08 UTC
<<"It's been a while, hasn't it? I've been out there spending a lot of
time dealing with real life.">>

Real life will surely do that to a man. Time consuming, life is,
purely time consuming. <grin>

Daniel R. Reitman
2005-01-30 17:49:46 UTC
Post by Peg
<<"It's been a while, hasn't it? I've been out there spending a lot of
time dealing with real life.">>
Real life will surely do that to a man. Time consuming, life is,
purely time consuming. <grin>
Daniel breaks out a bottle of (non-alcoholic) sparkling cider.
"Yesterday, I moved to my new office. The unpacking still has to be
done, but I'm in."

Dan, ad nauseam
2005-01-27 19:12:13 UTC
- hi; in apcha article,
"Peg" <***@aol.com> observed and invited:
Post by Peg
I've posted a few times, a few years ago. I've lurked many more. As I
said, I don't know quite why I feel so fond of the place, but I do.
- i've likewise posted a couple of times, and wondered
whether there'd be more than transient signs of life;
i first came here because a friend recommended it - hi,
glinda, if you're keeping an eye open out there - so i
've kept subscribed to the newsgroup since...
Post by Peg
Thank you for the harmony line, it's sweet for two voices and in VR I'm
a superb contralto, rather than the somewhat erratic one I am in RL.
- it's thirty-six years since i sang in a choir, and my
hearing's not been good enough for it, for a while - it
must be nigh-on fifteen years, now; but i still appreciate
good music (- just not the horrible english lyrics someone
fit to the tune in the seventies or late sixties, *and* had
a hit with, to add insult to injury, _please_).
Post by Peg
Joan Baez version, though I've heard others since.
- i don't know whose the first version i heard would've
been; it was in french, so it _could_ have been sasha
distel's, but i've not heard that since, so i'm not sure.
has the melody ever been inccorporated into a work by a
classical composer? [a]
Post by Peg
It's a lovely, lovely thing, and it seems to me to suit the environment.
- it's certainly a richly romantic, limitlessly luxurious,
regally relaxed and almost imperiously powerful a song -
who would not be swept of their feet by it - or by a tall,
dark, gentle stranger with a deep brown voice singing it?
Post by Peg
Tell me about the place: Most of the times I've been here it's seemed
largely empty, but it keeps on ticking.
I do like it. And I'm glad to meet you.
- i can't do much about the scarcity of visitors, and i'm
no cook (i've no longer a sense of smell, so i can't judge
aught i produce); but i can brew coffee, and add white
stuffs liquid, powdery or crystalline, as directed...

[fx: re-fills kettle & turns it on, walks over to coffee
percolator, starts to sniff the open bag of beans in the
fridge, stops, gets a sealed bag of ready-ground from the
cupboard, opens it, puts a slightly ott amount of coffee
in the upper chamber, switches thte kettle off before it
actually boils, fills the lower glass jug and sets the
assembled percolator on the hotplate.]

"a couple of minutes, and it'll be ready; but if you want
milk, you'd better check it first: i can't tell. i can
bring over the bottle... - anyone want sugar? white, dem-
arara, or muscavados?"

- love, ppint.
[the address from which this was posted bounces e-mail;
use the reply-to e-address, changing the "f" to a "g",
if you wish to cc. or e-mail me.]

[a] - i don't even know when it was written, which is greatly
remiss of me; must try and remember to look it up
"homeopathic compression: throw away the data and transmit the spaces;
the data to be reconstructed from the spaces by virtue of these having
remembered its shape. the only compression method more effective with
increasing original data density." - yr hmbl srppnt, 1st october 2004
2005-01-27 16:23:41 UTC
I know, or once knew, glinda from alt.callahans. If you're still over
here, glinda, I wave at you!
Era of "Plaisir" is I believe eighteen hundreds, written for one of the
Parisian opera houses from the time when the Parisian opera houses were
very naughty, very bright, and very, very chic indeed.

I'm off to an appointment and am rather rushing through these replies,
but HI, ppint, and I'm hoping we get to know each other better.

2005-01-27 16:05:57 UTC
Peg at ***@aol.com wrote on1/26/05 8:48 PM:

Post by Peg
Tell me about the place: Most of the times I've been here it's seemed
largely empty, but it keeps on ticking.
I do like it. And I'm glad to meet you.
Well, the place is largely empty, but it keeps on ticking. (Is there an
echo in here? Must be the TTT!) A person or two always seems to be reading
or working or sipping a cuppa in one of the corners, and every now and then
there's a little flurry of conversation when more than one of us are feeling
social at the same time, but that's about it. I do like it here, just the
same. It's comfy and quite, there's often a nice fire blazing in winter,
and Galileo keeps the kettle on. On the rare occasion, we have a little
music, so I keep my 12-string stashed behind that couch over there. And we
sweep up the spam as best we can. Welcome!

Portal To My Pages
2005-01-27 16:25:31 UTC
Hey, Diana -- I tried your URL yesterday and got tossed. But I want to
check it out. I'm going to try again this afternoon, and if it's still
surly I will let you know and maybe we can sneak me in some other

Peg (who's going to her appointment now, really, in just a second, real
2005-01-27 12:38:03 UTC
Post by Peg
except that I rather like this little bb.
It seems lonely sometimes, with not enough people around to keep it
busy. I'm sure there are people who love it, and feel cozy in it, but
I check in and it's spam and a month old message or two and I want to
wrap it up in Linus's security blanket, like the tree in _A Charlie
Brown Christmas_.
Dave looks up from his laptop at the sounds of new voices. The stirring
of unused pots and pans. The smells of ingrediants being mixed.

"I too have stopped by periodically ove the years," he says aloud to no
one in particular. "For short periods to see if anything is happening.
It's such a wonderful place. Full of potential. I'm happy to see life
of some sort."

The laptop is powered down, or out of juice. Dave wonders if he has
been asleep...
2005-01-27 16:27:24 UTC
<<The laptop is powered down, or out of juice. Dave wonders if he has
been asleep...>>

LOL! Did Rip Van Winkle have a laptop?
Now that's an idea. A VR character who's revived centuries after
creation, in a newly revived VR world.

I wonder what I could do with that?


2005-01-27 18:35:10 UTC
Somehow I thought I remembered cracking open my laptop a mere few posts
ago. Then someone started a fire and I dozed off. Guess you can do
whatever you desire with that.
2005-01-29 03:03:07 UTC
<<Somehow I thought I remembered cracking open my laptop a mer�e few
ago. Then someone started a fire and I dozed off. Guess you �can do
whatever you desire with that. >>

No dwarves and nine-pins? Shucks.
LOL. Actually it would still be fun to play with. A seed for a story,

2005-01-31 15:27:19 UTC
<<Somehow I thought I remembered cracking open my laptop a mer?e few
ago. Then someone started a fire and I dozed off. Guess you ?can do
whatever you desire with that. >>
No dwarves and nine-pins? Shucks.
LOL. Actually it would still be fun to play with. A seed for a story,
Man falls asleep at laptop. Wakes up and is made fun of for still using
DOS WP5.1. Becomes angry. Writes a novel in WP5.1 that makes so much
money he takes over the world. Buys Microsoft and dismantles it vowing
that all writing should again be written on typwriters and people
should purchase deadwood dictionaries.
Do I need to plant that seed a little deeper...
Jennifer Peters
2005-01-28 02:32:05 UTC
Post by Peg
except that I rather like this little bb.
Gemini wanders by The Place. She sets a box of homemade oatmeal
cookies on the bar.
"The kids have been out of school due to the weather, so they baked.
Help yourself.
They're good. I've had more than my share already."
Post by Peg
So I am posting a post, and waving to anyone out there, and then I'm
going to dust off a table and dig in the back kitchen for a kettle.
I'll brew a big brown pot of tea and set out a plate of various bar
cookies and goodies. Then I will move one chair into the thin winter
sun sliding in from the front window. I'll sit down, close my eyes,
and start humming "Plaisir D'Amour."
Gemini hears someone humming an unfamiliar tune. She smile and nods along.
Post by Peg
Because for no particular reason I really like the Amethyst
Coffeehouse, and I miss whatever it is in some lost or not-yet-realized
prime of its life. And I figure there's nothing wrong with seeing if a
bit of ritual magic and affection can't summon up the other people I
KNOW must love this place, too.
"Peg? I don't think we've met before."
Post by Peg
Pacem en terris, mir, shanti, salaam, hey wa
2005-01-29 03:01:37 UTC
<<Peg? I don't think we've met before." >>

Hi, Gemini. No, I don't think we have. Thanks for the welcome and
the cookies. I'm pretty fond of oatmeal cookies. Condolences on the
weather. My mom and brother are both still back in the northeast, and
they're not too happy about the weather themselves. But it sounds like
your kids have been getting some fun out of whatever you got sent.
Thanks for the welcome.

Jennifer Peters
2005-01-29 19:16:59 UTC
Post by Peg
<<Peg? I don't think we've met before." >>
Hi, Gemini. No, I don't think we have. Thanks for the welcome and
the cookies. I'm pretty fond of oatmeal cookies. Condolences on the
weather. My mom and brother are both still back in the northeast, and
they're not too happy about the weather themselves. But it sounds like
your kids have been getting some fun out of whatever you got sent.
Thanks for the welcome.
It's actually been profitable. "Have snow shovel, will scoop." :-)

There are lots of grandparents on our block. The kids bundle up and go
round after the plows block all the driveways.

Gemini, looking out on freezing rain today.
Pacem en terris, mir, shanti, salaam, hey wa
2005-03-08 01:58:12 UTC
Post by Jennifer Peters
Post by Peg
<<Peg? I don't think we've met before." >>
Hi, Gemini. No, I don't think we have. Thanks for the welcome and
the cookies. I'm pretty fond of oatmeal cookies. Condolences on the
weather. My mom and brother are both still back in the northeast, and
they're not too happy about the weather themselves. But it sounds like
your kids have been getting some fun out of whatever you got sent.
Thanks for the welcome.
It's actually been profitable. "Have snow shovel, will scoop." :-)
There are lots of grandparents on our block. The kids bundle up and go
round after the plows block all the driveways.
Gemini, looking out on freezing rain today.
Pacem en terris, mir, shanti, salaam, hey wa
Jack knocks at door.
No one's home as usual.
Coffe is cold, bisquits are gone, and the fire has gone out.
Honestly, how DO you people get along here?
