Happy Memorial Day
(too old to reply)
2021-05-31 13:44:35 UTC
The Mother's Day thread covered a fun array of topics, from clay tablets
to typewriters to anagrams and personal ads. What amazing topic drift will
this one see?

Also, happy Memorial Day, for those in places that observe it.
J Peters
2021-05-31 23:43:39 UTC
Post by lkosov
The Mother's Day thread covered a fun array of topics, from clay tablets
to typewriters to anagrams and personal ads. What amazing topic drift
will this one see?
Also, happy Memorial Day, for those in places that observe it.
It seems we missed another late May holiday:

2021-06-01 02:00:07 UTC
Post by J Peters
"Well, that bites," lkosov says, deadpan. "Wednesday is Rocky Road Day,
though... like the ice cream. That's pretty... cool, surely."
J Peters
2021-06-01 18:45:32 UTC
Post by lkosov
Post by J Peters
"Well, that bites," lkosov says, deadpan. "Wednesday is Rocky Road Day,
though... like the ice cream. That's pretty... cool, surely."
Any ice cream related holiday is cool. All of them should be
celebrated. Except maybe Pistachio Ice Cream day. That one can be
2021-06-01 20:29:24 UTC
Any ice cream related holiday is cool. All of them should be celebrated.
Except maybe Pistachio Ice Cream day. That one can be overlooked.
So you're saying pistachio ice cream fans are... a little nuts? :)

I feel like mint-chocolate-chip is the non plus ultra of ice cream, but,
honestly, much like pizza toppings or fried-rice flavors, they're all
J Peters
2021-06-02 18:56:19 UTC
Post by lkosov
Any ice cream related holiday is cool.  All of them should be
celebrated. Except maybe Pistachio Ice Cream day.  That one can be
So you're saying pistachio ice cream fans are... a little nuts? :)
I feel like mint-chocolate-chip is the non plus ultra of ice cream, but,
honestly, much like pizza toppings or fried-rice flavors, they're all good.
Something like that.

As longs as there's plenty of my A+ flavor, I'll just leave that other
stuff for you.

2021-06-03 14:51:53 UTC
Post by J Peters
Post by lkosov
I feel like mint-chocolate-chip is the non plus ultra of ice cream, but,
honestly, much like pizza toppings or fried-rice flavors, they're all good.
Something like that.
As longs as there's plenty of my A+ flavor, I'll just leave that other stuff
for you.
I feel like large swathes of the world could take lessons in civility from
ice-cream fans. People allowed to enjoy more than one variety of thing?
People's enjoyment of one thing in no way, shape, or form affecting your
enjoyment of something completely different? Disparate preferences being
met with philosophical acceptance and not rabid hostility? We... are still
on the 'net, right? :)
J Peters
2021-06-03 20:49:01 UTC
Post by lkosov
Post by J Peters
Post by lkosov
I feel like mint-chocolate-chip is the non plus ultra of ice cream,
but, honestly, much like pizza toppings or fried-rice flavors,
they're all good.
Something like that.
As longs as there's plenty of my A+ flavor, I'll just leave that other
stuff for you.
I feel like large swathes of the world could take lessons in civility
from ice-cream fans. People allowed to enjoy more than one variety of
thing? People's enjoyment of one thing in no way, shape, or form
affecting your enjoyment of something completely different? Disparate
preferences being met with philosophical acceptance and not rabid
hostility? We... are still on the 'net, right? :)
Rather than taking offense at a difference of taste - "How can you not
like mint!?" - one might say, "Well, then. More mint chip for me!"
2021-06-03 21:15:24 UTC
Rather than taking offense at a difference of taste - "How can you not like
mint!?" - one might say, "Well, then. More mint chip for me!"
But, but, that sounds suspciously like tolerance and being accepting of
differences, we can't have *that*. /s

On an only tangenitally-related note, I was going to include a dog-Latin
sig about "cogito ergo nom" or something. I turned to a certain search
engine to find the Latin term for ice cream, and one of the pages it
returned asserts that "ice cream" in Latin is "ultrices". I was slightly
skeptical, so I looked that up... it's the accusative form of ultrix - "a
female avenger, or punisher". Pretty sure that's not actually the word for
ice cream, lol.

Quis custodiet ipsos ultrices?
J Peters
2021-06-04 16:10:40 UTC
Post by lkosov
Post by J Peters
Rather than taking offense at a difference of taste - "How can you not
like mint!?" - one might say, "Well, then.  More mint chip for me!"
But, but, that sounds suspciously like tolerance and being accepting of
differences, we can't have *that*. /s
It does assume that there are a number of options available, doesn't it?
How American of me.

Omnes sapores glacies crepito
2021-06-05 22:37:58 UTC
Any ice cream related holiday is cool. All of them should be celebrated.
Except maybe Pistachio Ice Cream day. That one can be overlooked.
Tomorrow (the first Sunday in June) is National Frozen Yogurt Day,
celebrated since the glory days of Usenet back in 1993.

Given the weather this weekend, any excuse to eat something cold is good
enough for me.
2021-06-06 22:04:55 UTC
Post by lkosov
Any ice cream related holiday is cool. All of them should be celebrated.
Except maybe Pistachio Ice Cream day. That one can be overlooked.
Tomorrow (the first Sunday in June) is National Frozen Yogurt Day,
celebrated since the glory days of Usenet back in 1993.
Given the weather this weekend, any excuse to eat something cold is good
enough for me.
Skatha stares down into her empty pint container of gelato and sighs unhappily. "I forgot to buy more. Also, while not directly on topic, I tried a durian-flavored wafer cookie today. Turns out the smell is DEFINITELY not to my liking!" She rubs her nose roughly, trying to force the scent memory out.

"Maybe I'll celebrate the end of my vacation with some green tea ice cream..." Skatha muses, then grins over at Gemini. "And I'll happily take the pistachio ice cream you pass over, so it won't go to waste!"