Sits quietly by the fire.
(too old to reply)
2003-11-04 10:37:09 UTC
Taking a pint from the bar of the black stuff, jem loks around the now quite
room reflecting on many moons a go, when this room was full of chatter and
merry jesting. Hello room, I was passing so thought I would rest my feet a
while and take in the old atmosphere of a room that should be written about
in the annuals of what a real chat room was all about..

Jennifer Peters
2003-11-05 00:51:06 UTC
Post by Jem..
Taking a pint from the bar of the black stuff, jem loks around the now quite
room reflecting on many moons a go, when this room was full of chatter and
merry jesting. Hello room, I was passing so thought I would rest my feet a
while and take in the old atmosphere of a room that should be written about
in the annuals of what a real chat room was all about..
Gemini hears someone up front, so she peers out from behind the stacks.
He seems to be reading and resting, so she ducks back without
disturbing him.
Pacem en terris, mir, shanti, salaam, hey wa