Post by J PetersGemini takes down the flyers some rude person just plastered up on the
windows, and puts them in the recycling bin.
"Some folks just don't know how to behave."
lkosov shakes his head sadly. "I suppose there's a downside to activity
here. People only put up flyers where other people might see 'em."
He sighs, frowns. "Whilst we're on the subject... I come from a place
called the Tildeverse. It's a vaguely Callahan-ian sort of place, albeit
made up of people who have mostly never heard of Callahan's, nor read
about it. There's a similar philosophy, a desire to get psychic, though
not in so many words. Not sure about saving the world, though."
"I've been interested--like a lot of people in the Tildeverse--in the old
virtual communities of yore. I've read the old books, seen the old
postings, visited the old groups, talkers, MOOs, and so on. I've been by
Callahan's, the Cloven Shield, the Dragon's Inn... it's how I found the
Amethyst, which amazingly still has patrons." He nods to Galileo. "And the
same great staff it's always had."
lkosov laughs. "I'd like to invite some friends, if that's okay with you
all. But before I do, on the subject of 'tidying up', there's just one
thing I gotta ask." He blushes slightly, gestures to a copy of the
Amethyst's FAQ. "What year is it? Or... what century? The FAQ is emphatic
that it's the 20th century--part 27 begs, quote, 'no non-20th century
stuff', unquote. I'm guessing that's just a minor oversight, but if Hootie
and the Blowfish are in fact still relevant here, Y2K has yet to come,
that would be... helpful to know, for newcomers."