Post by KandaceKandace opens the door, spots Galileo in the shadows and asks him for a mug
of his famous hot cocoa. She's sure he won't recognize her, but then gives
her a wink and adds a couple of marshmallows to the nearly-overflowing cup.
"It has been almost 18 years since I've been here. It is good to see that it
hasn't totally disappeared."
"Today I posed a question in another group... 'what is your first memory of
the internet?' which made me think of this place and all of the fun we had
--Kandace, tripping down memory lane
Diana waited for the "newcomer" to get a beverage in hand, then walked
over to introduce herself.
"Hi, I'm Diana. Don't believe I've had the pleasure. No idea when I
first found the place. It was one day after work, when I was driving
home from the office. Sometime near the 4th of July. Took a different
route than usual, and there it was: the Amethyst!" She smiles at the
memory. "But I've been away for quite some time. Gemini here had young
kids when we first met, and now they're both grown. I've got
grandchildren, myself. Tempis fugit and all that.
"Hmmm...first memory of the internet..." A long pause ensues, as
Diana is momentarily lost in thought. "Began using it in the early to
mid '90's. Not before 1993."