Jennifer Peters
2003-11-25 03:20:37 UTC
Gemini backs through the door of The Place with a shopping cart in tow.
She stashes some cider and herbal teas at the bar, then schleps the
rest to the back. Folks in the front can hear cupboard doors opening
and closing, as well and the fridge. A short while later, she comes up
front and sets a plate of munchies on the coffee table.
"Well, we're stocked up for Thanksgiving. I'm up for fixing the turkey
and the yams. Who's up for the rest of it?"
She stashes some cider and herbal teas at the bar, then schleps the
rest to the back. Folks in the front can hear cupboard doors opening
and closing, as well and the fridge. A short while later, she comes up
front and sets a plate of munchies on the coffee table.
"Well, we're stocked up for Thanksgiving. I'm up for fixing the turkey
and the yams. Who's up for the rest of it?"
Pacem en terris, mir, shanti, salaam, hey wa
Pacem en terris, mir, shanti, salaam, hey wa