Jennifer Peters
2003-08-08 01:25:16 UTC
Gemini stop into the place, grabs a cup of tea from Galileo, puts a lid
on it, and turns back toward the door.
"Sorry 'bout the tea and run, but I'm so swamped at work. My employer
is getting bought, and things are crazy. Plus, my MIL is having some
health problems. And several other things."
on it, and turns back toward the door.
"Sorry 'bout the tea and run, but I'm so swamped at work. My employer
is getting bought, and things are crazy. Plus, my MIL is having some
health problems. And several other things."
Pacem en terris, mir, shanti, salaam, hey wa
Pacem en terris, mir, shanti, salaam, hey wa