Taking a break...
(too old to reply)
2004-09-08 14:38:26 UTC
Diana pops through the door looking a bit smudgy, a few leaves clinging to
her old T-shirt and cargo pants.

"Hello, all. We were tremendously lucky to have been only 18 hours without
power during Hurricane Frances, and no damage to our house. Others, even
across town, may be out of their homes for several months -- falling trees,
mostly, and some flooding." She plops into the nearest chair. "Today's
clean-up day. I've never been so happy to be cutting up and dragging away
branches and cleaning gutters. It could have been so much worse."

Portal To My Pages
Wes Wilson
2004-09-08 23:58:43 UTC
Post by Diana
Diana pops through the door looking a bit smudgy, a few leaves clinging to
her old T-shirt and cargo pants.
"Hello, all. We were tremendously lucky to have been only 18 hours without
power during Hurricane Frances, and no damage to our house. Others, even
across town, may be out of their homes for several months -- falling trees,
mostly, and some flooding." She plops into the nearest chair. "Today's
clean-up day. I've never been so happy to be cutting up and dragging away
branches and cleaning gutters. It could have been so much worse."
Hi Diana -
Glad you survived Frances (and Charlie?) - I hope "Ivan" fizzles out -
or goes way around you all.
- WW
2004-09-09 16:55:55 UTC
Post by Wes Wilson
Post by Diana
Diana pops through the door looking a bit smudgy, a few leaves clinging to
her old T-shirt and cargo pants.
"Hello, all. We were tremendously lucky to have been only 18 hours without
power during Hurricane Frances, and no damage to our house. Others, even
across town, may be out of their homes for several months -- falling trees,
mostly, and some flooding." She plops into the nearest chair. "Today's
clean-up day. I've never been so happy to be cutting up and dragging away
branches and cleaning gutters. It could have been so much worse."
Hi Diana -
Glad you survived Frances (and Charlie?) - I hope "Ivan" fizzles out -
or goes way around you all.
- WW
Thanks, Wes; me too! I s'pose everyone's heard about Ivan having turned
into a "rare" Category 5 that more or less destroyed 90% of Grenada this
afternoon. The Ozarks sound reeeeally good right now! Far enough from
Florida, Red Bud in springtime, far enough from Florida, leaves turning in
the fall, far enough from Florida, etc. Were you from that part of the
world before going to the west coast, or did you just choose the location as
a lovely spot to retire?
Post by Wes Wilson
Gemini brings Diana a cup of chamomile.
"I'm glad it wasn't too terrible. Take care during clean-up. It'd be
embarrassing to come through the hurricane unscathed, only to break your
ankle wrestling with the brush pile."
Thanks, Gemini. I've managed with nothing more than a sore back, so far,
but yeah!
Diana, feeling like Peter Rabbit

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Wes Wilson
2004-09-09 23:02:38 UTC
Post by Diana
Post by Wes Wilson
Post by Diana
Diana pops through the door looking a bit smudgy, a few leaves clinging to
her old T-shirt and cargo pants.
"Hello, all. We were tremendously lucky to have been only 18 hours without
power during Hurricane Frances, and no damage to our house. Others, even
across town, may be out of their homes for several months -- falling trees,
mostly, and some flooding." She plops into the nearest chair. "Today's
clean-up day. I've never been so happy to be cutting up and dragging away
branches and cleaning gutters. It could have been so much worse."
Hi Diana -
Glad you survived Frances (and Charlie?) - I hope "Ivan" fizzles out -
or goes way around you all.
- WW
Thanks, Wes; me too! I s'pose everyone's heard about Ivan having turned
into a "rare" Category 5 that more or less destroyed 90% of Grenada this
afternoon. The Ozarks sound reeeeally good right now! Far enough from
Florida, Red Bud in springtime, far enough from Florida, leaves turning in
the fall, far enough from Florida, etc. Were you from that part of the
world before going to the west coast, or did you just choose the location as
a lovely spot to retire?
Post by Wes Wilson
Gemini brings Diana a cup of chamomile.
"I'm glad it wasn't too terrible. Take care during clean-up. It'd be
embarrassing to come through the hurricane unscathed, only to break your
ankle wrestling with the brush pile."
Thanks, Gemini. I've managed with nothing more than a sore back, so far,
but yeah!
Hi Diana -
Just heard a while ago that Ivan MAY hit the west side of Florida - ?
I was born in CA and moved here with my wife and kids in 1976. Both my
wife and I were born in CA - she was born in Hollywood. Moved here in
1976 from Marin County. Wanted to have beef cattle and raise our kids in
a roomy private country place - and do more down to earth self
sufficient living.
Had cattle for 15 years but not right now - my brother says we don't
have a farm anymore - he says it's become a "park" - but we do love it
all the same. I also make art.
Take care down there! - WW
2004-09-10 08:14:57 UTC
Post by Wes Wilson
Post by Diana
Post by Wes Wilson
Post by Diana
Diana pops through the door looking a bit smudgy, a few leaves clinging to
her old T-shirt and cargo pants.
"Hello, all. We were tremendously lucky to have been only 18 hours without
power during Hurricane Frances, and no damage to our house. Others, even
across town, may be out of their homes for several months -- falling trees,
mostly, and some flooding." She plops into the nearest chair. "Today's
clean-up day. I've never been so happy to be cutting up and dragging away
branches and cleaning gutters. It could have been so much worse."
Hi Diana -
Glad you survived Frances (and Charlie?) - I hope "Ivan" fizzles out -
or goes way around you all.
- WW
Thanks, Wes; me too! I s'pose everyone's heard about Ivan having turned
into a "rare" Category 5 that more or less destroyed 90% of Grenada this
afternoon. The Ozarks sound reeeeally good right now! Far enough from
Florida, Red Bud in springtime, far enough from Florida, leaves turning in
the fall, far enough from Florida, etc. Were you from that part of the
world before going to the west coast, or did you just choose the location as
a lovely spot to retire?
Post by Wes Wilson
Gemini brings Diana a cup of chamomile.
"I'm glad it wasn't too terrible. Take care during clean-up. It'd be
embarrassing to come through the hurricane unscathed, only to break your
ankle wrestling with the brush pile."
Thanks, Gemini. I've managed with nothing more than a sore back, so far,
but yeah!
Hi Diana -
Just heard a while ago that Ivan MAY hit the west side of Florida - ?
I was born in CA and moved here with my wife and kids in 1976. Both my
wife and I were born in CA - she was born in Hollywood. Moved here in
1976 from Marin County. Wanted to have beef cattle and raise our kids in
a roomy private country place - and do more down to earth self
sufficient living.
Had cattle for 15 years but not right now - my brother says we don't
have a farm anymore - he says it's become a "park" - but we do love it
all the same. I also make art.
Take care down there! - WW
Ah, yes. Not too many years before 1976, I was wondering if I might go to
Australia and raising sheep. And I remember a friend talking about musk
oxen somewhere...wonder if he ever did it? Hard work, though. My
grandfather farmed in Indiana, first cattle and sheep, then just sheep, then
just the Shetland pony for his granddaughter :). Maybe in truth I stayed in
school because I just didn't want to work that hard! But, hey, you and your
wife did it! So, what kind of art do you do these days? Those gorgeous
rock band posters (from what has probably already become the new "old days")
are yours, correct?

Portal To My Pages
Wes Wilson
2004-09-10 14:09:34 UTC
Post by Diana
Post by Wes Wilson
Post by Diana
Post by Wes Wilson
Post by Diana
Diana pops through the door looking a bit smudgy, a few leaves clinging to
her old T-shirt and cargo pants.
"Hello, all. We were tremendously lucky to have been only 18 hours without
power during Hurricane Frances, and no damage to our house. Others, even
across town, may be out of their homes for several months -- falling trees,
mostly, and some flooding." She plops into the nearest chair. "Today's
clean-up day. I've never been so happy to be cutting up and dragging away
branches and cleaning gutters. It could have been so much worse."
Hi Diana -
Glad you survived Frances (and Charlie?) - I hope "Ivan" fizzles out -
or goes way around you all.
- WW
Thanks, Wes; me too! I s'pose everyone's heard about Ivan having turned
into a "rare" Category 5 that more or less destroyed 90% of Grenada this
afternoon. The Ozarks sound reeeeally good right now! Far enough from
Florida, Red Bud in springtime, far enough from Florida, leaves turning in
the fall, far enough from Florida, etc. Were you from that part of the
world before going to the west coast, or did you just choose the location as
a lovely spot to retire?
Post by Wes Wilson
Gemini brings Diana a cup of chamomile.
"I'm glad it wasn't too terrible. Take care during clean-up. It'd be
embarrassing to come through the hurricane unscathed, only to break your
ankle wrestling with the brush pile."
Thanks, Gemini. I've managed with nothing more than a sore back, so far,
but yeah!
Hi Diana -
Just heard a while ago that Ivan MAY hit the west side of Florida - ?
I was born in CA and moved here with my wife and kids in 1976. Both my
wife and I were born in CA - she was born in Hollywood. Moved here in
1976 from Marin County. Wanted to have beef cattle and raise our kids in
a roomy private country place - and do more down to earth self
sufficient living.
Had cattle for 15 years but not right now - my brother says we don't
have a farm anymore - he says it's become a "park" - but we do love it
all the same. I also make art.
Take care down there! - WW
Ah, yes. Not too many years before 1976, I was wondering if I might go to
Australia and raising sheep. And I remember a friend talking about musk
oxen somewhere...wonder if he ever did it? Hard work, though. My
grandfather farmed in Indiana, first cattle and sheep, then just sheep, then
just the Shetland pony for his granddaughter :). Maybe in truth I stayed in
school because I just didn't want to work that hard! But, hey, you and your
wife did it! So, what kind of art do you do these days? Those gorgeous
rock band posters (from what has probably already become the new "old days")
are yours, correct?
Hi Diana -
Yes - "Oz" with its 'Ossies' - a vast grand place - one of my English
great uncles went to Australia - and loved it there - northern
Queensland I believe it was - and sheep it was I think.
Oxen as beasts of burden and plowing do take tons of developmental
training time as I understand it - so if your time is valuable to you -
as I bet it is - I'd recommend you buy a good stout used diesel tractor
instead - much cheaper for you than most any of today's oxen. <BG>
Oh - and thank you for the compliment <!> - yes indeed, several of the
early ones are surely mine. Those WERE the good ole days all right -
back then we used to say to one another "THESE are the good ole days" -
however, these days aren't so bad either (when you turn off the tv)-
just different strokes and all that - with an Israeli/Iraq problem
instead of the old Communists/Viet Nam one - and with a media that is
still largely empty of real class and intelligent progress - favoring
more often the glitter of soaps, movies and speed.
These days I enjoy doing ink and watercolor paintings and am about to
start a series of rather ambitious (wish me luck) larger oils - 'the
founders' - still searching for the right rich transparent 'yellow'
however. I like to ( though it varies roughly) occupy about half of
each work day on outside work so I don't get too bent out of shape -
which can easily be done with any over preoccupation with sedentary art
- which I do truly love too.
Well - I gotta git. Take care down there!
- WW

Jennifer Peters
2004-09-09 03:07:10 UTC
Post by Diana
Diana pops through the door looking a bit smudgy, a few leaves clinging to
her old T-shirt and cargo pants.
"Hello, all. We were tremendously lucky to have been only 18 hours without
power during Hurricane Frances, and no damage to our house. Others, even
across town, may be out of their homes for several months -- falling trees,
mostly, and some flooding." She plops into the nearest chair. "Today's
clean-up day. I've never been so happy to be cutting up and dragging away
branches and cleaning gutters. It could have been so much worse."
Gemini brings Diana a cup of chamomile.

"I'm glad it wasn't too terrible. Take care during clean-up. It'd be
embarrassing to come through the hurricane unscathed, only to break your
ankle wrestling with the brush pile."
Pacem en terris, mir, shanti, salaam, hey wa