It's been a while....
(too old to reply)
Wayne Watson
2005-02-28 09:54:27 UTC
10 years since I was last in here!

Now I have my own refuge for travellers, even if the location must remain a
secret, by it's charter.

But it has a charter- that much I learned from here.......
2005-03-18 04:07:20 UTC
Mythawk enters right behind Wayne, hears Wayne's "10 year since I was
last here" comment, and realizes its been at least 7-8 years since he
was last in Amethyst. He taps Wayne on the shoulder:
"Hi, I'm Mythawk, and its been years for me also."
Mythawk then obtains a cup of hot chocolate from Galileo at the bar,
(Nice to see a famaliar face in cyberspace), and asks Wayne if he would
like anything.
Daniel R. Reitman
2005-03-25 08:34:53 UTC
Post by mythawk
Mythawk enters right behind Wayne, hears Wayne's "10 year since I was
last here" comment, and realizes its been at least 7-8 years since he
"Hi, I'm Mythawk, and its been years for me also."
Mythawk then obtains a cup of hot chocolate from Galileo at the bar,
(Nice to see a famaliar face in cyberspace), and asks Wayne if he would
like anything.
Daniel wanders in, waves to the other oldtimers, and gets himself a
glass of pomegranate-tangerine juice with seltzer. "How goes it?"

Dan, ad nauseam
2005-03-26 20:04:01 UTC
"Hi, Dan," Mythawk shakes his hand. "I believe I remember you because
of your "ad nauseam" signature. It has indeed been a long time.
Post by Daniel R. Reitman
Daniel wanders in, waves to the other oldtimers, and gets himself a
glass of pomegranate-tangerine juice with seltzer. "How goes it?"
Dan, ad nauseam
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