Return of a wandering hedgehog...
(too old to reply)
2018-08-13 10:07:33 UTC
Kandace comes out of nowhere (many years in the future), sneaking on tiptoe. She thumps Lars with a giant foofy pillow.
2018-09-03 18:58:12 UTC
Gemini peers around the high back of the overstuffed chair she's been occupying.

"Hey, there, Alan. I'm glad to hear things are going well for you. Here's a cool drink."

A frosty mug is on the bar waiting.
The swinging doors swing wide, and Alan wanders in.
"Hi all!" Alan says cheerfully. "Sorry to have been so long;
I've been very busy."
Alan goes to the bar, and cheerfully grins at Galileo, who
has his cup of mint-hot chocolate ready in his favorite
mug. Alan accepts the mug and returns to his table just
off-center of the room.
"Well, things have been busy for me." Alan begins. "Recently,
I was commissioned a 2Lt. in the United States Air Force; thus,
I am now an officer of our fine country's imperialist forc...
uhm... premiere military organization." Alan looks around
nervously for a moment, then continues.
"My wife and I, seeking to escape the horrible heat of California,
thus uproot ourselves and move to... Florida. Umph." Alan
wrinkles his nose a bit distastefully. "I moved from tourist
trap to tourist hell. There's even a WalMart."
"Other than the idyllic Panama City environment, everything is
moving along well. Lauren (my wife, for anyone who doesn't
remember) is expecting our first child at the end of March.
(Again, for people who don't know me, I have two children already
by a previous marriage.)
His brow wrinkles for a moment. "Well, I know Harper's here, and
I presume that the 'Daniel' I saw is our good old Attorney-that-Is
(as opposed to the Attorney-to-be that he was... :) but I'm not
sure who else might be lurking. To all you new folks...
"I'm Alan, Hedgehog Knight-Champion, Order of the Harper (yes,
our Harper), charged to 'skewer spam on the lance of my wit'
(I never forget that! It makes me laugh hysterically. :)
I first started posting to a.p.c.a. way way back in the day
(1994, IIRC) and had, up until about a year ago, been a pretty
consistent poster. I was practically a fixture. :) Even
then, I wasn't an 'original'. I think my song is still
posted to the end of the FAQ.
"Anyway," Alan winds up, "I'm back for a while. I'll be in Florida
for another four months or so (until about June) then I'll be
relocating to the beautiful Tinker AFB, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.
I'll try to keep my hand in here, just to spark things up! :)"
"Anyway, how is everyone? Anyone miss me?"
Alan (aj)
-- -
wWWw |Alan J.M. Flesch Hedgehog-Knight, Dragon Clan Lounge Singer
wWWWWw |
o<.WWWWW |"If I had known it was harmless, I'd have killed it myself"
o o | - Philip K. Dick - _A Scanner Darkly_
2018-09-03 19:24:30 UTC
Hi Gemini!

It was actually me that popped in and dredged up that old thread/post. I was reminiscing about this place and missing it. Glad to see someone is still around on occasion. You are amazing.

-kandace (aka Kimberlee)
