2003-06-23 21:33:27 UTC
"Chris" <***@thearmoury.net> wrote in message
> "jasmine" <***@sprint.ca> wrote in message
> > I disagree. There are some wonderful authors out there who are still
> > producing--for me: AS Byatt, Christopher Brookmyre, Irvine Welsh. I
think it
> > depends if the author (and I'm find this moreso with mysteries than reg.
> > fiction) has fallen into the formulaic method of writing...really sad
> > they start doing this.
> >
> > --
> > jasmine
> Well, I should also point out that I am extremely picky and unwilling
> stray too far afield when it comes to books... I never said I wasn't
> the problem ;-)
:) I must admit that I've my list of authors to buy in hard back, no matter
what it is. Unfortunately I think all of them put out something between
Sept and December of last year. Ouch. My paperback purchases are pretty
broad, but I've dropped a few from that list.
> I prefer something funny, sci-fi good and or just really engaging.
I'm really not into sf or fantasy. There are some writers I like (Pratchett
and Douglas Adams), but I must admit that I have a hard time getting past
the covers.
When I was working at the horrid place a couple of years ago, I read a lot
of citygirl fic. Seemed to be the tonic I needed at the time...
> When it comes to fiction, I enjoy reading Roger Zelazny, Robert
> Asprin, Douglas Adams, (occasionally) Michael Moorcock, Phillip Dick,
> Laurell K Hamilton (but that is going to change if her next book is
> crap, she has been plummeting downhill for the last few), and the
> Stephen King "Dark Tower" series (a new one finally coming out this
> year).
There are a couple of Zelaznys aren't there? I've been warned about one,
but can't remember which one. Phillip Dick sounds familiar...I want to say
Phillip K. Dick, though...Read a King years ago...couldn't get into it.
> The Harry Potter series is pretty good, but not as good as
> they seem :-/.. I'm pretty sure JK Rowlings sold her soul to the devil
> (other than AOL/TIME WARNER) for them to be as wildly successful as
> they are.
I don't mind them. Unlike so many other authors, she doesn't talk down to
her readers and believes that kids can actually handle bad stuff. REALLY
hate it when people want to inject stories with happy bunnies and vanilla
ice cream because they think that's what readers want. She's gotten kids
off their gameboys and computers and into pages (unfortunately some of these
kids will not read anything else)--and that's good. She also got my mum
reading for pleasure for the first time in over 30 years (found a
mysteriously moving bookmark in my copy of book one several years ago).
Currently have 320 pages to go in the latest instalment.
> My 12 year old boy is reading through my book collection now, his
> reading level is equivelent to a high school graduate (as far as they
> will test in elementary school), though I can't get him to read the
> Amber Series.... apparently he is as picky (read stubborn) as I am.
Don't know the Amber Series.
I remember in primary school, the librarian and my grade five teacher would
bring in books from home for me as most of what was available at school
wasn't challenging enough. The librarian would also call me out of class
whenever she got a new shipment in--I'd be allowed to borrow whatever I
wanted before it got put out into circulation :)
> Fave books: Lord of Light -Roger Zelazny
> Fave Series: Dirk Gentlys Holistic Detective Agency -Douglas Adams.
I read a couple of these--will eventually get to the rest.
Currently my favourite series is the Jasper Fforde Thursday Next books.
Incredibly funny--especially if you are well-read.
> It is a shame he died before he could write more.
Yup. Have you read Salmon of Doubt? It's in the mass of tb reads behind my
> Fave TV series of all time to this date- Tie between The Family Guy
> and Firefly, a pair of Fox murders. I'm just waiting for the Firefly
> Movie at this point :-(
Love Family Guy. Teletoon is running it at 9pm on weeknights :)
Not sure which is my favourite animated series...could be Futurama or Daria.
Mind you, I really like Clone High as well.
In the "killed off too early" category--has to be Sports Night (can't
remember if it lasted more than two seasons). Loved the dialogue and the
pacing of it all.
Couldn't get into Firefly. The entire pretense was something I didn't like.
Too bad because Whedon is quite creative. Heard a rumour that he's trying
to do a Buffy spin-off based on Faith. Not sure if I'll watch--didn't
really like the character. Would much rather see something on Spike or
Willow or even Oz.
> Fave TV series to last 1 season or more- B5
I really, really liked the first few seasons of it (and would madly scour
the listings to find out where it moved to each week), but I lost interest
in the later seasons. I'll probably rent the series when the local guy gets
Don't think I can narrow it down to one...I really like Coupling--hope the
US won't make a dog's breakfast out of it. Smartly written and good acting.
I rented 24 (at the recommendation of my current boss). Wow. Nicely done.
Can't wait for season two to come out on DVD...will proably do a
"Being 'normal' would be worse than death for me, because I have always
normal to be a term so boring it would be like death." Scott Starson
> "jasmine" <***@sprint.ca> wrote in message
> > I disagree. There are some wonderful authors out there who are still
> > producing--for me: AS Byatt, Christopher Brookmyre, Irvine Welsh. I
think it
> > depends if the author (and I'm find this moreso with mysteries than reg.
> > fiction) has fallen into the formulaic method of writing...really sad
> > they start doing this.
> >
> > --
> > jasmine
> Well, I should also point out that I am extremely picky and unwilling
> stray too far afield when it comes to books... I never said I wasn't
> the problem ;-)
:) I must admit that I've my list of authors to buy in hard back, no matter
what it is. Unfortunately I think all of them put out something between
Sept and December of last year. Ouch. My paperback purchases are pretty
broad, but I've dropped a few from that list.
> I prefer something funny, sci-fi good and or just really engaging.
I'm really not into sf or fantasy. There are some writers I like (Pratchett
and Douglas Adams), but I must admit that I have a hard time getting past
the covers.
When I was working at the horrid place a couple of years ago, I read a lot
of citygirl fic. Seemed to be the tonic I needed at the time...
> When it comes to fiction, I enjoy reading Roger Zelazny, Robert
> Asprin, Douglas Adams, (occasionally) Michael Moorcock, Phillip Dick,
> Laurell K Hamilton (but that is going to change if her next book is
> crap, she has been plummeting downhill for the last few), and the
> Stephen King "Dark Tower" series (a new one finally coming out this
> year).
There are a couple of Zelaznys aren't there? I've been warned about one,
but can't remember which one. Phillip Dick sounds familiar...I want to say
Phillip K. Dick, though...Read a King years ago...couldn't get into it.
> The Harry Potter series is pretty good, but not as good as
> they seem :-/.. I'm pretty sure JK Rowlings sold her soul to the devil
> (other than AOL/TIME WARNER) for them to be as wildly successful as
> they are.
I don't mind them. Unlike so many other authors, she doesn't talk down to
her readers and believes that kids can actually handle bad stuff. REALLY
hate it when people want to inject stories with happy bunnies and vanilla
ice cream because they think that's what readers want. She's gotten kids
off their gameboys and computers and into pages (unfortunately some of these
kids will not read anything else)--and that's good. She also got my mum
reading for pleasure for the first time in over 30 years (found a
mysteriously moving bookmark in my copy of book one several years ago).
Currently have 320 pages to go in the latest instalment.
> My 12 year old boy is reading through my book collection now, his
> reading level is equivelent to a high school graduate (as far as they
> will test in elementary school), though I can't get him to read the
> Amber Series.... apparently he is as picky (read stubborn) as I am.
Don't know the Amber Series.
I remember in primary school, the librarian and my grade five teacher would
bring in books from home for me as most of what was available at school
wasn't challenging enough. The librarian would also call me out of class
whenever she got a new shipment in--I'd be allowed to borrow whatever I
wanted before it got put out into circulation :)
> Fave books: Lord of Light -Roger Zelazny
> Fave Series: Dirk Gentlys Holistic Detective Agency -Douglas Adams.
I read a couple of these--will eventually get to the rest.
Currently my favourite series is the Jasper Fforde Thursday Next books.
Incredibly funny--especially if you are well-read.
> It is a shame he died before he could write more.
Yup. Have you read Salmon of Doubt? It's in the mass of tb reads behind my
> Fave TV series of all time to this date- Tie between The Family Guy
> and Firefly, a pair of Fox murders. I'm just waiting for the Firefly
> Movie at this point :-(
Love Family Guy. Teletoon is running it at 9pm on weeknights :)
Not sure which is my favourite animated series...could be Futurama or Daria.
Mind you, I really like Clone High as well.
In the "killed off too early" category--has to be Sports Night (can't
remember if it lasted more than two seasons). Loved the dialogue and the
pacing of it all.
Couldn't get into Firefly. The entire pretense was something I didn't like.
Too bad because Whedon is quite creative. Heard a rumour that he's trying
to do a Buffy spin-off based on Faith. Not sure if I'll watch--didn't
really like the character. Would much rather see something on Spike or
Willow or even Oz.
> Fave TV series to last 1 season or more- B5
I really, really liked the first few seasons of it (and would madly scour
the listings to find out where it moved to each week), but I lost interest
in the later seasons. I'll probably rent the series when the local guy gets
Don't think I can narrow it down to one...I really like Coupling--hope the
US won't make a dog's breakfast out of it. Smartly written and good acting.
I rented 24 (at the recommendation of my current boss). Wow. Nicely done.
Can't wait for season two to come out on DVD...will proably do a
"Being 'normal' would be worse than death for me, because I have always
normal to be a term so boring it would be like death." Scott Starson