A holiday?
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J Peters
2023-02-21 04:13:14 UTC
Gemini stops by the place for a warm cuppa. Things are quiet, but the
door is open. Galileo sets her up with a mug of green tea, and comments
on the brisk weather. "It is February, after all."

"Presidents Day. It doesn't feel much like a holiday. The banks are
closed. There's no mail. Stores discount linens. What's up with that?"

Gemini sips her tea and ponders. She probably wouldn't have stopped by,
if she didn't have the day off...
2023-02-22 01:29:40 UTC
Gemini stops by the place for a warm cuppa. Things are quiet, but the
door is open. Galileo sets her up with a mug of green tea, and comments
on the brisk weather. "It is February, after all."
"Presidents Day. It doesn't feel much like a holiday. The banks are
closed. There's no mail. Stores discount linens. What's up with that?"
Gemini sips her tea and ponders. She probably wouldn't have stopped by,
if she didn't have the day off...
"I don't think I've ever had President's Day off as a holiday," Skatha muses nearby, "especially these days. Lately my life has been work, work, work, work, work...with some gaming sandwiched in here and there. I think I spend the rest of it trying to cater to my cat. I swear, if there's ever a zombie apocalypse, while other people venture out with their trusty animal sidekicks, I'm going to be left behind trying to convince my cat to eat the food that's in front of him. He knows he's hungry, but he turns down EVERYTHING! What cat does that? The kicker is, if I can get him to taste it he's usually fine with what I offer him, but how many times can one bop a cat in the nose with food before you give it up as a lost cause?" She sighs, looking frazzled. "Just now I had to offer him five different treats before he tentatively tried one and then went 'I LOVE THESE' and snarfed up a few...before getting completely over it and leaving some behind. What a weirdo."